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이 글에서는 언어 또는 언어의 기능에 대한 오해에서 비롯된 세 가지의 비언어학적 주장을 소개하고, 그러한 것들이 교육에 미치는 역기능을 경계하였다. 세 가지의 비언어학적 주장은 아래와 같다. (1) “언어는 의사소통의 도구이다.” (2) “언어가 사고를 결정한다.” (3) “언어마다 각각의 세계관을 갖고 있다.” 위 세 가지 명제는 언어학적으로 항진 명제(恒眞命題)가 아니어서 이들을 원용하여 교육에 접목하는 일은 주의를 요한다.

If false proposition is recognized as TRUE, secondary academic distortion can occur since academic distortion always brings the distortion of education. From a linguist’s perspective, clear distortion in which false proposition is recognized as TRUE is observed in some contentions that are related with language or the functions. It appears that some of the distortions cause the distortion of education. Therefore, this paper has found out three non-linguistic facts among the said language or linguistic function-related contentions and analyzed their reverse impact on education. The result has turned out as follows: First, it’s not true that language is available as means of communication in all circumstances. Sometimes, in fact, language is used irrelevant to communication. Nevertheless, those who see language as means of communication only tend to think of it as a tool for better expression of their thoughts or intention. As a result, they fail to realize the fact that current society and social culture are unwittingly taken for granted and blindly socialized by language. Therefore, unfavorable educational situations have occurred. Second, a hypothesis that languagehas an impact on thought or vice versa in language and thought relations is not completely proven yet. However, an expectation on the hypothesis of linguistic determinism is still large in education. Since the expression which is the surface structure of language and the result of the expression have only been focused, therefore, the causes of linguistic expressions have been ignored. That’s why the importance of ‘environment’ in education has been taken lightly. Third, the hypothesis of the linguistic world view by W. v Humboldt has been under harsh criticism in linguistics. However, the linguistic world view plays a role of turning current trends of educational society that has set the principles of intuition as the basis of teaching method since 17th century. In other words, the focus of education has returned to the once-rejected Verbalismus, emphasizing ‘language-centered teaching method’ that aims to attain the clear basis of knowledge from language. As a result, an effort to improve linguistic competence has been made at home and in school. From the linguistic perspective, however, this kind of change is just another academic distortion. Even though the hypothesis of the linguistic world view by W. v Humboldt greatly changed the concept of education, it’s not tautology. Therefore, the academic attitude that assumes the hypothesis of world view as TRUE proposition can’t escape from the fetters of intentional fallacy. In linguistics, for examples, the following three propositions are not tautology: (1) “Language is means of communication” (2) “Language determines thought” (3) “Each language has its own linguistic world view” Nevertheless, it’s non-educational behavior to accept them in education with no critical review.

If false proposition is recognized as TRUE, secondary academic distortion can occur since academic distortion always brings the distortion of education. From a linguist’s perspective, clear distortion in which false proposition is recognized as TRUE is observed in some contentions that are related with language or the functions. It appears that some of the distortions cause the distortion of education. Therefore, this paper has found out three non-linguistic facts among the said language or linguistic function-related contentions and analyzed their reverse impact on education. The result has turned out as follows: First, it’s not true that language is available as means of communication in all circumstances. Sometimes, in fact, language is used irrelevant to communication. Nevertheless, those who see language as means of communication only tend to think of it as a tool for better expression of their thoughts or intention. As a result, they fail to realize the fact that current society and social culture are unwittingly taken for granted and blindly socialized by language. Therefore, unfavorable educational situations have occurred. Second, a hypothesis that languagehas an impact on thought or vice versa in language and thought relations is not completely proven yet. However, an expectation on the hypothesis of linguistic determinism is still large in education. Since the expression which is the surface structure of language and the result of the expression have only been focused, therefore, the causes of linguistic expressions have been ignored. That’s why the importance of ‘environment’ in education has been taken lightly. Third, the hypothesis of the linguistic world view by W. v Humboldt has been under harsh criticism in linguistics. However, the linguistic world view plays a role of turning current trends of educational society that has set the principles of intuition as the basis of teaching method since 17th century. In other words, the focus of education has returned to the once-rejected Verbalismus, emphasizing ‘language-centered teaching method’ that aims to attain the clear basis of knowledge from language. As a result, an effort to improve linguistic competence has been made at home and in school. From the linguistic perspective, however, this kind of change is just another academic distortion. Even though the hypothesis of the linguistic world view by W. v Humboldt greatly changed the concept of education, it’s not tautology. Therefore, the academic attitude that assumes the hypothesis of world view as TRUE proposition can’t escape from the fetters of intentional fallacy. In linguistics, for examples, the following three propositions are not tautology: (1) “Language is means of communication” (2) “Language determines thought” (3) “Each language has its own linguistic world view” Nevertheless, it’s non-educational behavior to accept them in education with no critical review.