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이 논문은 1950년대 대중극으로서 인기가 있었던 여성국극 작품 중에서 새로 발굴한 임춘앵 여성국극단에 의해 공연되었던 조건 작 <서동과 공주>를 중심으로 그 당시 여성국극에서 주로 선보였던 대중 역사극의 특성에 대해 살펴보는 것을 목적으로 한다. 여성국극에서 다루었던 대중 역사극은 역사를 소재로 하지만 역사를 재구하거나 고증하는 일과는 무관하다. 오히려 역사적 특성은 배경으로 머물며 사랑이라는 주제가 전면에 배치된다. 이는 여성국극이 보여준 대중 역사극의 중요한 특징 중 하나이다. <서동과 공주>에서도 역사적 사실보다는 설화적 특징이 두드러지며 사랑의 가치를 역설한다. 그러한 역설은 인물의 역할 전도 속에서 더욱 강력하게 주장되는데 서동이란 남자주인공이 여성 인물의 입장에서 등장하여 역할의 전도를 통해 표현됨으로써 직설적인 효과를 얻게 된다. 여성국극은 남성 역할을 여성 배우가 함으로써 역할의 전도가 전제되는 양식인데 <서동과 공주>의 경우에는 그 남성 역할이 여성적 입장 속에서 더욱 빛나도록 하는 전략을 구사한다. 이는 ‘사랑으로 모두 평등’이라는 급진적 가치관을 드러내는 방법이 되기도 한다. 이는 이러한 주제를 위해 남성 주인공에게 여성의 입장을 경험할 수 있게 하는 방법을 사용했다는 점에서 여성주의적 관점에서의 가능성을 조심스럽게 타진해 볼 수 있다.

In 1950s, historical drama was popular. Among performances in those periods, the korean female classical opera was representative of that historical drama as a popular genre. But the study on the korean female classical opera has been difficult, because the script of that could hardly be found. So the finding of <Sudong & Princess> has an important meaning because it can provide a base for the study of the korean female classical opera. <Sudong & Princess> story is originated from the historical folktale book, 'Samgukyusa'. <Sudong & Princess> has more folktale feature than historical one. In that point, we can guess <Sudong & Princess> has a primitive energy. It's outstanding feature is giving the female voice to male character "Sudong" who shows unchanged love and fidelity like "Chunhyang". As those were very important and dutiful virtues for a woman at that times, the reverse of role or the feminine voice through male character was sensational. This make it possible to study the korean female classical opera in the view of feminism. Of course, there's a limitation to adapt the feminism to entire pieces of the korean female classical operas. Even though it is focused on the <Sudong & Princess>, we can find the voice that is forced to listen the traditional value. But as this enlightenment is a common feature of popular genre, we have to see the crack inside. Then the meaning of double voice can be evaluated positively.

In 1950s, historical drama was popular. Among performances in those periods, the korean female classical opera was representative of that historical drama as a popular genre. But the study on the korean female classical opera has been difficult, because the script of that could hardly be found. So the finding of <Sudong & Princess> has an important meaning because it can provide a base for the study of the korean female classical opera. <Sudong & Princess> story is originated from the historical folktale book, 'Samgukyusa'. <Sudong & Princess> has more folktale feature than historical one. In that point, we can guess <Sudong & Princess> has a primitive energy. It's outstanding feature is giving the female voice to male character "Sudong" who shows unchanged love and fidelity like "Chunhyang". As those were very important and dutiful virtues for a woman at that times, the reverse of role or the feminine voice through male character was sensational. This make it possible to study the korean female classical opera in the view of feminism. Of course, there's a limitation to adapt the feminism to entire pieces of the korean female classical operas. Even though it is focused on the <Sudong & Princess>, we can find the voice that is forced to listen the traditional value. But as this enlightenment is a common feature of popular genre, we have to see the crack inside. Then the meaning of double voice can be evaluated positively.