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이 논문은 1950년대 인기 있었던 여성국극에 대한 관심에서 비롯된다. 여성국극은 대중극으로서 인기를 누리기는 하였지만 학문의 대상으로 삼기에 부족하다는 인식이 있었다. 일단 작품들이 남아 있지 않거나 구하기 힘들어 연구하기가 힘들었기 때문이다. 최근에는 몇몇 작품론이 등장하면서 좀 더 체계적인 연구의 필요성이 생겨났다. 아직 자료가 많이 부족하지만 작가론의 관점에서 여성국극에 접근할 필요가 있다. 이 연구의 대상으로 삼은 작품을 쓴 김화랑은 여성국극 뿐만 아니라 연극(신파극), 악극, 영화를 모두 경험했기 때문에 이 당시의 대중예술을 거쳐 가면서 자신만의 세계를 구축했던 것으로 여겨진다. 여성국극은 신파극, 창극, 악극, 영화와 모두 연관을 맺고 있기 때문에 김화랑의 행보를 추적하는 것만으로도 여성국극 이해에 도움이 될 것으로 여겨진다. 이 논문에서는 그의 여성국극 한편을 중심으로 하고 그 밖에 그의 등단 시나리오, 각색 시나리오, 초기에 만든 군국주의 영화 등을 보충 자료로 활용하여 그의 작품 세계를 구체적으로 살펴봄으로써 그의 작품에 나타난 계몽성과 대중성, 그리고 모성의 문제를 통해 국가주의가 현실과 어떤 관계를 맺고 있는지 밝히고자 하였다.

This study begins with the interest of Female Guggeuk (女性國劇). Because of the negative cognition about this popular genre, there are only a few remained materials about Female Guggeuk including scripts, records of writers etc. So the study exploring writers in addition to Female Guggeuk has been recognized to be very difficult. But the study about writers is necessary to understand Female Guggeuk systematically. The reason to choose Kim Hwa-rang's works in this study is that he has the wide variety of careers in many popular genre such as korean melodrama shinpa, korean musical drama ak-geuk and films. He was a writer and director of popular drama. As Female Guggeuk has relations with shinpa, ak-geuk and film, the study about the careers of Kim Hwa-rang through them could help to understand the rise and fall of popular drama. In addition, the meaning of <Bakyeoncho> could be found through this work. Though Kim Hwa-rang had worked much on popular drama, there's a few remained pieces such as script of Female Guggeuk <Bakyeoncho> and scenario <Demae>. Motherhood is important in both of them. But <Bakyeoncho> has more popular characters making it be related with enlightenment after Korean War. So motherhood of <Bakyeoncho> means his country. The main conflict of <Bakyeoncho> is a choice between the main character's mother and his country. This question is very hard to be accepted in Female Guggeuk because it means the way of solving the problem directly. Therefore, it was also difficult for Kim Hwa-rang who knew how to survive in ups and downs of popular genre. At that time the people engaged in popular drama related with anti-communism activity, Kim Hwa-rang was not exceptional. So there was a good question in <Bakyeoncho> while it did not show proper way of solving the problem. Nonetheless, it can be evaluated as a feature of popular drama to survive between public favor and permission of authorities.

This study begins with the interest of Female Guggeuk (女性國劇). Because of the negative cognition about this popular genre, there are only a few remained materials about Female Guggeuk including scripts, records of writers etc. So the study exploring writers in addition to Female Guggeuk has been recognized to be very difficult. But the study about writers is necessary to understand Female Guggeuk systematically. The reason to choose Kim Hwa-rang's works in this study is that he has the wide variety of careers in many popular genre such as korean melodrama shinpa, korean musical drama ak-geuk and films. He was a writer and director of popular drama. As Female Guggeuk has relations with shinpa, ak-geuk and film, the study about the careers of Kim Hwa-rang through them could help to understand the rise and fall of popular drama. In addition, the meaning of <Bakyeoncho> could be found through this work. Though Kim Hwa-rang had worked much on popular drama, there's a few remained pieces such as script of Female Guggeuk <Bakyeoncho> and scenario <Demae>. Motherhood is important in both of them. But <Bakyeoncho> has more popular characters making it be related with enlightenment after Korean War. So motherhood of <Bakyeoncho> means his country. The main conflict of <Bakyeoncho> is a choice between the main character's mother and his country. This question is very hard to be accepted in Female Guggeuk because it means the way of solving the problem directly. Therefore, it was also difficult for Kim Hwa-rang who knew how to survive in ups and downs of popular genre. At that time the people engaged in popular drama related with anti-communism activity, Kim Hwa-rang was not exceptional. So there was a good question in <Bakyeoncho> while it did not show proper way of solving the problem. Nonetheless, it can be evaluated as a feature of popular drama to survive between public favor and permission of authorities.