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본고에서는 서울대 규장각 소장 한글필사본 『티통감』의 서지적 측면과 번역양상, 국어학적 특징을 고찰하였다. 한글필사본 『티통감』은 바로 司馬光이 지은 『資治通鑑』에서 「晉記」를 발췌하여 한글로 번역한 것이다. 『티통감』은 지금까지 제대로 연구되거나 정리되지 않은 새롭게 발굴된 자료로 조선시대에 역사서를 한글로 번역한 몇 안 되는 문헌 중에 하나이며 현존하는 문헌 가운데 가장 이른 시기에 『資治通鑑』을 번역했다는 점에서 그 의미가 있다. 한글본 『티통감』은 전체적으로는 비교적 원문에 충실하게 번역하여 거의 직역에 가까우나 경우에 따라 심하게 생략하고 일부만 번역하였고, 아예 번역을 하지 않고 생략하기도 하였다. 일부 부분은 한문본에 없는 내용을 추가하여 번역하기도 하였다. 이 책에는 한자어가 많이 등장하는데 한자어를 고유어로 번역한 어휘들이 많이 보인다. 『티통감』에 나타난 표기적 특징을 보면 어두 된소리 표기에 ‘ㅅ’계 합용병서의 ‘ㅺ, ㅼ, ㅽ, ㅾ’과 ‘ㅂ’계 합용병서 ‘ㅄ, ㅶ’이 사용되었고 ‘ㄱ, ㄴ, ㄹ, ㅁ, ㅂ, ㅅ, ㅇ’ 의 7종성법이 잘 지켜지고 있다. 어간말 종성 표기의 합용병서는 ‘ㄺ’, ‘ㄼ’, ‘ㅁㄹ’이 쓰였다. 체언의 경우 대체로 분철 표기를 하고 있고 용언의 경우에는 연철과 분철 표기가 함께 나타나며 중철 표기가 일부 보인다. 음운적으로 ‘ㆍ>ㅏ’와 ‘ㆍ>ㅡ’의 변화, 원순모음화, ㄷ구개음화 현상 등이 아직 활발히 진행되지 않았고 상당히 보수적인 모습을 보여준다. 이 문헌에서는 비교격 조사 ‘-곤’과 연결어미 ‘-아든’, ‘-괘댜’, 평서형 종결어미 ‘-롸’, ‘-와’, ‘-마’, 의문형 종결어미 ‘-ㄹ다’, 감탄형 종결어미 ‘-ㄹ샤’ 등 비교적 고형의 문법 형태가 나타나며, 18세기에서 19세기초까지 나타나는 비교적 고형을 띠고 있는 어휘들이 쓰였다. 이상에 나타나는 국어학적 특징들은 18세기 필사본 문헌에 나타나는 특징을 잘 보여주고 있다. 『티통감』의 권11 말미에는 ‘셩종왕 즉위 십이년(1481) 동일의 벽오실의 남화인은 셔노라’라는 필사기가 있으나 이 책에 나타난 국어학적 특징으로 보건대 1481년에 필사된 것이 아니라 대략 18세기 중후반의 전사본으로 추정된다.

The thesis reviews the Korean-translated Manuscripts of "Jatitonggam" from the viewpoints of its bibliography, translation and Korean language. The Korean version of "Jatitonggam" is a translation of the history of Jin dynasty of "ZiZhiTongJian", written by Si Ma Guang. Under the circumstances that historical documents of Chosun dynasty were rarely translated into Korean, the Korean version of "Jatitonggam" is especially important. The Korean version of "Jatitonggam" is characteristic of literal translation. And also boldly omits or describes in short and simple sentences. There are some portions where sentences have been reversed in many parts and some sentences. Many of the words written in Chinese characters translates into pure Korean in the copy, such as ‘밧군’, ‘댱나그내’, ‘읏듬’ and ‘나쳡’. "Jatitonggam" shows the following characteristics in terms of spelling: The accented first parts of the words are shown by the parallel consonants with ㅅ and ㅂ in front as in ‘ㅺ, ㅼ, ㅽ, ㅾ, ㅄ, ㅶ’. The seven consonants, ‘ㄱ, ㄴ, ㄹ, ㅁ, ㅂ, ㅅ, ㅇ’ are used in the last parts of the words. Nouns, Pronouns and numbers are spelled separately and verbs and adjectives are spelled in accordance with liaison and syllablication. Some of mid positioning of consonants appear in the copy. Phonologically, it seems that by the time the Korean version of "Jatitonggam" was produced, the phenomena such as change of ㆍtoㅏ, ㆍto ㅡ, Wonsoon vowelization, and ㄷ palatalization were not prevalent. Also worth noting is the fact that postpositional word, ‘-도곤’, connective suffix, ‘-아든’, ‘-괘댜’, suffix for statement, ‘-롸’, ‘-와’, ‘-마’, suffix for questions, ‘-ㄹ다’ and suffix for admiration, ‘-ㄹ샤’ are used. Vocabulary which represents the charateristic of 18th century, such as ‘날’[日], ‘니극’, ‘이’, ‘’, ‘제곰’, ‘이여곰', ‘어그러이’, and ‘일[早]’ are found in the text as well. The above-mentioned words are characteristic of 18th century handwritten copies. At the end of the text is a sentence that goes, ‘셩종왕 즉위 십이년(1481) 동일의 벽오실의 남화인은 셔노라’. Considering the characteristic of Korean language, the year Korean version of "Jatitonggam" was printed, it would be safe to infer that the Korean version was written in the later part of 18th century.

The thesis reviews the Korean-translated Manuscripts of "Jatitonggam" from the viewpoints of its bibliography, translation and Korean language. The Korean version of "Jatitonggam" is a translation of the history of Jin dynasty of "ZiZhiTongJian", written by Si Ma Guang. Under the circumstances that historical documents of Chosun dynasty were rarely translated into Korean, the Korean version of "Jatitonggam" is especially important. The Korean version of "Jatitonggam" is characteristic of literal translation. And also boldly omits or describes in short and simple sentences. There are some portions where sentences have been reversed in many parts and some sentences. Many of the words written in Chinese characters translates into pure Korean in the copy, such as ‘밧군’, ‘댱나그내’, ‘읏듬’ and ‘나쳡’. "Jatitonggam" shows the following characteristics in terms of spelling: The accented first parts of the words are shown by the parallel consonants with ㅅ and ㅂ in front as in ‘ㅺ, ㅼ, ㅽ, ㅾ, ㅄ, ㅶ’. The seven consonants, ‘ㄱ, ㄴ, ㄹ, ㅁ, ㅂ, ㅅ, ㅇ’ are used in the last parts of the words. Nouns, Pronouns and numbers are spelled separately and verbs and adjectives are spelled in accordance with liaison and syllablication. Some of mid positioning of consonants appear in the copy. Phonologically, it seems that by the time the Korean version of "Jatitonggam" was produced, the phenomena such as change of ㆍtoㅏ, ㆍto ㅡ, Wonsoon vowelization, and ㄷ palatalization were not prevalent. Also worth noting is the fact that postpositional word, ‘-도곤’, connective suffix, ‘-아든’, ‘-괘댜’, suffix for statement, ‘-롸’, ‘-와’, ‘-마’, suffix for questions, ‘-ㄹ다’ and suffix for admiration, ‘-ㄹ샤’ are used. Vocabulary which represents the charateristic of 18th century, such as ‘날’[日], ‘니극’, ‘이’, ‘’, ‘제곰’, ‘이여곰', ‘어그러이’, and ‘일[早]’ are found in the text as well. The above-mentioned words are characteristic of 18th century handwritten copies. At the end of the text is a sentence that goes, ‘셩종왕 즉위 십이년(1481) 동일의 벽오실의 남화인은 셔노라’. Considering the characteristic of Korean language, the year Korean version of "Jatitonggam" was printed, it would be safe to infer that the Korean version was written in the later part of 18th century.