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MBC TV 드라마 <하얀 거탑>은 야마자키 도요코의 소설 <하얀 거탑>을 각색한 것이다. 첫째, 드라마 <하얀 거탑>은 일본의 소설을 한국 정서에 맞게 수정했다. 둘째, 드라마 <하얀 거탑>은 소설을 TV 드라마로 각색하였다. 셋째, 1960년대의 일본 사회가 2000년대의 한국사회로 각색되었다. 이는 곧 타국 문화의 자국 문화로, 인쇄매체에서 영상매체로, 과거에서 현재로 각색되었음을 말해준다. 소설 <白い巨塔>은 1960년대 일본 사회를 반영한다. 작가는 병원의 조직사회를 통해 일본사회의 모순을 재현하고자 했다. 작가는 병원으로 상징되는 근대의학을 근대화의 상징으로 보았는데, 병원을 둘러싼 전근대적 봉건성과 비민주주의적인 인간관계를 근대화의 암적 요소로 간주했다. 결국 이 소설은 근대화와 봉건주의 사이의 투쟁을 전면화하게 되고, 이에 따라 이분법적 선악 대결을 중심으로 한 인과응보와 권선징악의 내러티브 특징을 드러내게 된다. 그러나 한국의 <하얀 거탑>에서는 전근대성으로부터 근대성으로의 '진보'라는 시간성이 재현되지 않는다. 이 드라마는 봉건성(전근대성)과 진보의식(근대성)의 대결 구도를 제시하지 않고 주인공 ‘장준혁’에 집중함으로써 한 인간의 욕망과 비극적인 투쟁 과정을 전경화한다. 주인공 장준혁의 도전과 좌절 모티브, 그리고 선과 악의 이분법적 경계를 뛰어넘는 인간관계 등은 시청자들에게 강한 현실감과 자기 동일시 효과를 유발했다. <하얀 거탑>은 21세기 한국 사회의 분위기를 반영하고 있다. 즉 그것은 역사적 소명의식이나 권선징악 같은 거대담론 시대의 사유방식으로부터 자유로워졌음을 보여주고 있다. 이에 따라 드라마는 원작 소설이 지향하고 있었던 일본 근대 역사에 대한 성찰이나 당대 일본 사회의 구조적 모순에 대한 비판의식과 다른 양상을 띠게 된다. 드라마는 인간의 욕망 그 자체를 집요하게 응시함으로써 고독한 개인의 어두운 내면을 탐사한다.

MBC TV Drama of <White grand tower>(하얀 거탑) is a work adapted from the novel of <White grand tower>(白い巨塔). This adaptation has two process of translations. First, the novel of <White grand tower> was adapted suitable to Korean sentiment. Second, it was the adaption from literal media to visual media. The former is a translation from culture of one nation into another culture of another nation. The latter is a translation from one media into another media, that is, from literal media into visual media. I will name these as "translation of culture". The novel of <White grand tower> represented the society of Japan 1960s . The writer intended to describe a Japanese society through the community organizations of hospital. The write regarded the hospital as a symbol of modernization of postwar Japan. She regarded the power struggle in hospital as Japan's feudalism. In other words, the aspect of struggle between modernization and feudalism is central to the story. Therefore, the conflict of good and evil in this novel are clearly depicted. But South Korea's <White grand tower> does not consider background of Korean society or history. The plot of this drama is mainly deployed to a hero 'Jangjunhyeok'. Accordingly, the TV audience of South Korea became sympathetic to Jangjunhyeok. After all, the distinction between good and evil in TV drama have been removed. Instead, the story on personal challenges and failure of Jangjunhyeok remains only. Korean Drama of the 21st century has reflected the mood of the Korea Society. It is a representation on deconstruction of grand discourse. The TV drama <White grand tower> pursued to gain popularity through the story on successes and failures of character, and through an aspect of conflict such as computer game.

MBC TV Drama of <White grand tower>(하얀 거탑) is a work adapted from the novel of <White grand tower>(白い巨塔). This adaptation has two process of translations. First, the novel of <White grand tower> was adapted suitable to Korean sentiment. Second, it was the adaption from literal media to visual media. The former is a translation from culture of one nation into another culture of another nation. The latter is a translation from one media into another media, that is, from literal media into visual media. I will name these as "translation of culture". The novel of <White grand tower> represented the society of Japan 1960s . The writer intended to describe a Japanese society through the community organizations of hospital. The write regarded the hospital as a symbol of modernization of postwar Japan. She regarded the power struggle in hospital as Japan's feudalism. In other words, the aspect of struggle between modernization and feudalism is central to the story. Therefore, the conflict of good and evil in this novel are clearly depicted. But South Korea's <White grand tower> does not consider background of Korean society or history. The plot of this drama is mainly deployed to a hero 'Jangjunhyeok'. Accordingly, the TV audience of South Korea became sympathetic to Jangjunhyeok. After all, the distinction between good and evil in TV drama have been removed. Instead, the story on personal challenges and failure of Jangjunhyeok remains only. Korean Drama of the 21st century has reflected the mood of the Korea Society. It is a representation on deconstruction of grand discourse. The TV drama <White grand tower> pursued to gain popularity through the story on successes and failures of character, and through an aspect of conflict such as computer game.