초록 열기/닫기 버튼

The ‘電’ has meant “lightning” from the ancient and middle Korean to the Korean of the initial Modernization Period. In other words, in the Korean of the initial Modernization Period, the ‘電’ did not mean “electricity” naturally. But through the medium of《Dictionnaire Coréen-Français》(1880) that lemmatized the ‘電寄報’ as the coined word, which meant “Télégraphe électrique”, We have the mean of “electricity” with respect to the ‘電’ forfunately. I give examples to show the Coined Words of the 電(electricity)’s lexical field during the Modernization Period of Korea. So to speak, ‘電桿/電柱(electric pole)’, ‘電車(electric train)’, ‘電氣(electricity)’, ‘電流(electric current)’, ‘電報(telegram)’, ‘電線(electric wire)’, ‘電信(telegraphic communication; telegram)’, ‘電話(telephone)’. And their word familes were very much.