초록 열기/닫기 버튼

This study examined how the achievement criteria of the revised curriculum of 2011 were implemented in the middle school Korean textbooks and pointed out the problems with textbook writing and the achievement criteria. The study focused on the items related to "meaning." Chapter 2 highlighted that the issues with the grammar education units were related to the discussions about the nature of school grammar and explained that the discourse units that started to emerge in the 6th curriculum changed the nature of school grammar to discourse-centric grammar. Chapter 3 reviewed the problems with meaning-related descriptions for each grammar unit from the perspective that grammar education was given with a focus on discourse. It also emphasized the need to provide grammar education in middle school with a focus on expressions according to different situations and activities to understand their effects rather than explanations about forms and concepts. Chapter 4 raised issues with setting hierarchy among educational content according to the grades as a way to increase the independence and effects of grammar education.