초록 열기/닫기 버튼

읽기 교육은 학습자를 진정한 독자로 기르는 것을 목표로 한다. 진정한 독자는 읽기 주체로서 마음속에 채워지지 않는 읽기 욕망을 품은 독자이다. 학습자가 진정한 독자가 되기 위해서는 주체 형성을 통한 읽기 욕망을 만들어야 한다. 읽기 주체와 읽기 욕망은 학습자가 다른 학습자와 관계 속에서 새로운 의미를 구성할 때 함께 만들어진다. 읽기 주체는 읽기 욕망의 지배를 받아서 텍스트를 읽고 의미를 구성한다. 주체의 의미 구성은 자기중심적 의미 구성에서 벗어난 관계에 기초한 의미 구성이다. 읽기 주체의 이러한 의미 구성은 의미 결여와 읽기 욕망을 만들어 낸다. 이렇게 만들어진 읽기 욕망은 주체를 재배하여 주체가 텍스트를 읽게 한다. 읽기 교육에서는 학습자가 읽기 욕망의 지배를 받는 진정한 독자가 되도록 해야 한다. 그러기 위해서는 상호주관적으로 다른 독자와 관계를 맺으면서 의미를 구성할 수 있도록 해야 한다.

The goal of reading education is making student for the sincere reader. The sincere reader is a person who has lack of meaning and reading desire. we call that student as the reading subject. His lack of meaning and reading desire is made by interaction of others reader. The reading subject reads texts for gratification to lack of meaning and satisfactional feeling of reading desire. His understanding of text is not egocentered meaning construction but relationship. Like this reading is made new lack of meaning and reading desire into mind of reader. So, the reader must read a lots text because of lack and desire. The reading teacher guides the student to have lack of meaning and reading desire. This teaching is made by relationship of the student to interact.

The goal of reading education is making student for the sincere reader. The sincere reader is a person who has lack of meaning and reading desire. we call that student as the reading subject. His lack of meaning and reading desire is made by interaction of others reader. The reading subject reads texts for gratification to lack of meaning and satisfactional feeling of reading desire. His understanding of text is not egocentered meaning construction but relationship. Like this reading is made new lack of meaning and reading desire into mind of reader. So, the reader must read a lots text because of lack and desire. The reading teacher guides the student to have lack of meaning and reading desire. This teaching is made by relationship of the student to interact.