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이 연구는 국어교육에서 사회 방언을 수용하여 교수․학습하는 현황을 파악하고, 효율적인 사회 방언의 교수․학습 방안을 제안하는 데 목적이 있다. 이는 표준어 교육이 전제된 국어교육에서 방언이 담당하고 있는 긍정적인 역할과 효과를 살려 실제 의사소통 행위인 담론적 실천 교육을 적극적으로 수용하는 자세를 갖고자 함이다. 사회 방언은, “한 공동 사회 내의 사람들이 여러 사회적 요인에 따라 달리 사용하는 언어 변이 형태”이다. 즉 사회 방언은 세대에 따라, 성별에 따라, 직업에 따라, 대중성에 따라 다양하게 사용되는 모든 언어 형태를 통칭하는 용어라 할 수 있다. 이러한 사회 방언의 특성을 국어교육적 범주에서 활용하기 위해서는, 사회 방언의 언어적 특성, 정의적․심동적 특성, 그리고 사회․문화적 특성을 이해해야 한다. 사회 방언의 교육 내용과 방법으로 제시할 만한 방안으로는 반성적 사고력 향상을 위한 탐구학습과, 문학 교육 및 모든 언어 사용 기능 영역의 교수․학습에서 인물의 정서적 심미성과 사회․문화적 맥락 교육에 효용성이 있다. 그렇게 하는 것만이 학습자에게 실제 언어 사용 맥락을 중심으로, 사회적 지위, 세대, 성별 등의 사회적 역할에 따라 다양한 의사소통의 규칙을 이해하고 그러한 차이를 비판적으로 인식하여 수용하고 바르게 생산할 수 있는 소통 능력을 신장시킬 수 있을 것이다. 이러한 국어교육만이 사회를 전제로 하고 문화 가치를 고양시키며 더 나아가 내적으로는 심리나 사고와 관련을 맺고 외적으로는 상황과 사회와 문화와 밀접하게 연계된, 인간의 삶과 함께 하는 총체로서의 국어교육이 만들어질 수 있을 것이다.

The goal of Korean language education is to understand a various human life and to change a person for creating a valuable human. Changes of human are achieved in parts of knowledge, skill, and affection, and these are followed by changes of thinking power in terms of language and behavior. If a language becomes a means for these value-oriented changes that must properly focus on an object of changes, that is, an actual language used by human. It means that, discussions of Korean language education have to go, not to perform a way on the standard language focused or on a dialect which alternates the standard language, but to learn and teach by designing a practical and develop dialect educational contents. Because universality and individuality of language are both important sides of language ambilaterality. Learning and teaching language is effort to make a broad and desirable Korean society and culture. But it doesn't mean a social dialect have to be standing front. Nevertheless, if an using social dialect lies on an inside of real life and a social dialect and the standard language have a specific individuality, both of them could be an aiming learning and teaching contents of understanding a skill and context of them in a same condition. That is a way that learners could understand various communication rules in accordance with a social role which is a social status, a generation, a sex distinction. And also, learners could develop their communication abilities to accept critically and produce properly a difference of the standard language and a dialect. These Korean language education only raises cultural value including society, by extension, Korean language education as a human life could be made which have an internal network relating a human mind, thinking and an external network intimating a situation, a society and a culture.

The goal of Korean language education is to understand a various human life and to change a person for creating a valuable human. Changes of human are achieved in parts of knowledge, skill, and affection, and these are followed by changes of thinking power in terms of language and behavior. If a language becomes a means for these value-oriented changes that must properly focus on an object of changes, that is, an actual language used by human. It means that, discussions of Korean language education have to go, not to perform a way on the standard language focused or on a dialect which alternates the standard language, but to learn and teach by designing a practical and develop dialect educational contents. Because universality and individuality of language are both important sides of language ambilaterality. Learning and teaching language is effort to make a broad and desirable Korean society and culture. But it doesn't mean a social dialect have to be standing front. Nevertheless, if an using social dialect lies on an inside of real life and a social dialect and the standard language have a specific individuality, both of them could be an aiming learning and teaching contents of understanding a skill and context of them in a same condition. That is a way that learners could understand various communication rules in accordance with a social role which is a social status, a generation, a sex distinction. And also, learners could develop their communication abilities to accept critically and produce properly a difference of the standard language and a dialect. These Korean language education only raises cultural value including society, by extension, Korean language education as a human life could be made which have an internal network relating a human mind, thinking and an external network intimating a situation, a society and a culture.