초록 열기/닫기 버튼

This article is the introductive comparison of Chinese-character words used in Korean and Chinese, For the sake of series, (1) was already presented as lexical items and an efficient vocabulary-education between Korean and Chinese by the simplified characters (-2,235-; ‘Jian Hua Zi’) at BFLU=Beijing Foreign Languages University(北京外大) 17, Oct. 2003. At this time, I will present(2); the Orthography in writing Proper-nouns of the ideograms. i) Proper-nouns can’t represent their own phonetic value, if they mentioned ideographically. ‘阿基米德’<아르키메데스>, ‘倍诺斯爱勒’<부에노스아이레스>ii) Because of new meaning-interpretations of the proper-noun, take care of it. ‘可口可乐’<Coca Cola>)-‘克抠咳肋’/‘可扣苛了’iii) Proper-nouns of the ideograms need the support of the phonogram. (Pronunciation: Romanized letters; 拼音)iv) Proper-nouns firstly have to be nominated by the phonogram, and the interpretation of the ideogram is done incidentally. (Economically thinking; ‘实事求是的 思考’//Roman/English: -26-, Hangeul: -24-)