초록 열기/닫기 버튼

It is a well-known linguistic fact that in general, only a subject can serve as an antecedent and a blocker in the case of Chinese monomorphemic reflexivization. Contrary to our expectation, a DP that follows the passive morpheme bei or the preverbal object marker, which is a non-subject, serves as an antecedent for the Chinese reflexive, even though not serving as a blocker for a higher antecedent. Sohng (2004a) shows that the blocking effect for the Chinese monomorphemic reflexive is accounted for in terms of LF Spec-head agreement that assigns and checks the φ-features of ziji. Based on LF head movement of a monomorphemic reflexive and checking of a [Refl] feature in Agr, the analysis put forward in this paper shows clearly that the unexpected non-subject antecedence on ziji is well explained in the split-I phrase structure originating with Pollock(1989) in terms of the Conditions on Subject Orientation and LF Spec-head agreement. Thus, the non-subject antecedence on ziji that this paper deals with provides firm support to the analysis given in this paper.

키워드열기/닫기 버튼

Spec-head agreement, blocker, The Minimalist Program, head movement