초록 열기/닫기 버튼

In this paper, we argue that locative markers -ey and -eyse in Korean are postposition but not case markers, presenting three morphosyntactic arguments in terms of semantic value, case drop, and cooccurrence with a topic marker. Then, examining locative and directional postpostional phrases with -ey or -eyse, we propose that some of those PPs have an AxPart (Axial Part) in the sense of Svenonius (2006). We provide their structures of with(out) AxPart and the evidences showing that the AxParts are distinguished from ordinary nouns. Our final discussion is transferred to argumental status of -ey and -eyse phrases. The 'do-so' replacement test proves that, while PPs headed by -ey are argumental in both locative and directional constructions, PPs headed by -eyse behave differently according to the verb. In locative constructions the -eyse phrases are arguments of state verbs and adjuncts of event verbs; and in directed motion constructions they are source-meaning adjuncts.