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In Csikszentmihalyi's theory of Flow, Flow has been described as an optimal experience that occurs when a person is fully involved in an activity. This Flow model was put forward with regard to web-based online learning environment in the area of corporate training. If we identify the related factors that make Flow experience possible in on-line learning system, we could provide guidelines on how to design an on-line learning system to feel optimal flow experience. Little empirical research, however, has examined flow experience in on-line learning system. This study is to investigate the relationships of flow factors in on-line learning system and flow experiences. We suggested a research model through related studies on online learning system, and tested empirically by using 143 questionnaire data from three large companies in Korea. The results show that user's information search capability, systematic constructed contents are significantly related to the control feeling, and user's information search capability, motivation factor are related to the challenge feeling. Also the control and challenge feelings are significantly related to the flow experience. Such results may be useful both theoretically and in practice as online education developers strive to decipher the successful guidelines in web-based online environment.