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Empirical findings on the relationship between determinants of supply chain partnership and firm performance have often been contradictory in existing supply chain literature. Furthermore, the majority of these studies have been attempts to explain this relationship as a direct causal relationship without explaining the path of influence through which trust and relationship behavior affects firm performance. Due to these tendencies, related research results frequently proved unsuitable for practical application by businesses and also incomplete. To overcome these limitations in the existing literature, this study propose a trust - relationship behavior - business performance model including relationship behavior as the mediating factor between trust and performance. The research model is tested empirically using the data collected from a survey of 259 Korean IT exporting firms. The results indicate that trust and has a significant influence on relationship behavior and performance in global supply chains of sample firms, and that relationship behavior, in turn, have some influence on performance.

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Supply Chain Partnership, Trust, Relationship Behavior, Firm Performance, Korean IT Exporting Firms