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Logistics Service Quality(LSQ) of internet shopping mall is regarded as a key success factor to the company operating internet shopping mall. Recently, growing studies on logistics service quality of internet shopping mall have focused on relationship with customer satisfaction and customer loyalty, relatively few studies have investigated the structure of the logistics service quality of internet shopping mall. The primary purpose of the present study is to investigate the structure of the logistics service quality in internet shopping mall. And then, this paper examines causal relationship that is stemming from logistics service quality with the other performance variables. The results of this study are as follows: First, hierarchical structure model of logistics service quality is superior to the other models in internet shopping mall. Second, customer satisfaction and customer trust have mediated effects between logistics service quality and post-purchasing behaviors intention. Third, logistics service quality of internet shopping mall has a positive direct effect on the customer trust as well as customer satisfaction. Furthermore, its effect size of the 'LSQ→Customer trust' link is bigger than 'LSQ→Customer satisfaction' link.