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The purpose of this study is to suggest an idea of NCS(National Competency Standards) curriculum project and to develop the curriculum of Information Technology in order to reflect NCS which has influence on higher education for competence-centered society. The university as a principal body of higher education suggests the idea of NCS curriculum project and finds a method to design competence-centered curriculum by adopting the system of NCS. In particular, this study searches for methods based on NCS; in addition, it actually illustrates the NCS curriculum with an example. Hopefully, this study could be helpful for the university to adopt NCS curriculum in the field of Information Technology

The purpose of this study is to suggest an idea of NCS(National Competency Standards) curriculum project and to develop the curriculum of Information Technology in order to reflect NCS which has influence on higher education for competence-centered society. The university as a principal body of higher education suggests the idea of NCS curriculum project and finds a method to design competence-centered curriculum by adopting the system of NCS. In particular, this study searches for methods based on NCS; in addition, it actually illustrates the NCS curriculum with an example. Hopefully, this study could be helpful for the university to adopt NCS curriculum in the field of Information Technology.