초록 열기/닫기 버튼

In this study, the performance assessment tools using problem solving process in science were developed and applied to instruction. Then their effects were analyzed both quantitatively and qualitatively. The results of the research can be summarized as follows:First, the science attitudes of the experimental group showed more improvement in each step of science problem solving instruction than the control group, although not statistically significant. Attitudes toward science subjects instructed were improved statistically significantly among the categories of science attitudes. It is interpreted as results of making harmony of preexisting students' interests with difficulty levels of tasks. Second, several science process skills were not imporved significantly while the sub-skills of inferring, data interpretation, and drawing conclusion were increased significantly. The emphasis of these categories of inquiry skills in the instructions affected the results. Third, the understanding of science knowledge and its application was increased statistically significantly. It was interpreted that the students' abilities to apply science knowledge to the given problems were significantly increased through active participation in learning task across the whole range of performance of problem solving processes.

키워드열기/닫기 버튼

science performance assessment, problem solving process in science, applying scientific knowledge.