초록 열기/닫기 버튼

The purpose of this study was to analyze respective influences when presented as realia, moving pictures, and photographs on the observing activities. 105 elementary fourth grade students were participated and given three kinds of observation subjects: lucanus, mimosa and goldfishes offered three forms. Observational types were analyzed according to the methods and subjects of observation. As the results, the visual sense was used more than all other senses. A simple observation was shown more frequently than a manipulated one, and a quantitative observation was shown more often than a qualitative one. Second, a configuration observation was usually conducted. Comparative observation with the same subject appeared on mimosa and it with the different subject appeared on lucanus distinguishable easily both sexes. Lastly, the analysis results on items and contents of observation suggested that observing realia was suitable for offering various observation experiences to students, moving material was effective in manipulated observation, and the observation learning in which students examine the response of subjects stimulated by some tools and static material was suitable for observing tiny creatures or parts of the body because it allowed the students to observe things in detail.