초록 열기/닫기 버튼

This paper aims to verify the semantic properties of the coordination constructions of Korean, and to classify them according to their semantic property In particular, this paper brings to focus a disjunctive construction which is expressed by ‘-xna.’ It is tripartited by ‘disjunctive coordination construction’([-amalgamative], [+displaceable]), and ‘enumerative coordination construction’([-amalgamative], [±displaceable]), and ‘amalgamative construction’([+amalgamative], [-displaceable]). The ‘-xna’ coordination construction has the properties of ‘disjunctive coordination construction’ and the properties of ‘enumerative coordination construction.’ And to certify the properties of ‘-xna’ coordination construction, it is compared with the semantic interpretations of the ‘-gwa’ coordination construction. The result obtained through this procedure is that the ‘-gwa’ coordination construction can be interpreted as ‘amalgamative construction,’ and ‘enumerative coordination construction.’