초록 열기/닫기 버튼

The purpose of this study was two-fold: 1) to investigate learner awareness about Korean parts of speech and the practical use of them and 2) to establish an effective pedagogy of teaching Korean parts of speech on the basis of the findings of this study. For data collection, this study asked the participants (n=95) to complete the questionnaire with 52 items examining their awareness about Korean parts of speech and the practical use of the parts. According to the data analysis, it seemed that the participants were not fully competent in understanding Korean parts of speech, showing the confusion of speech parts and components in a sentence as well as of unconjugation adjectives and adverbs. The participants also appeared to be incompetent at understanding about dependent nouns and exclamations. Furthermore, it is probable that they had difficulty differentiating between numeral adjectives and unconjugation adjectives, and between numeral adjectives and nouns. Some interesting findings of this study were discussed in depth with intriguing examples. At the end of this study, some useful suggestions for teaching Korean parts of speech were made.