초록 열기/닫기 버튼

For Chinese students learning Korean, passive sentences in Korean are one of the most difficult grammatical features. To explicate the difficulty among Chinese students of Korean, this paper contrasts the most representative Korean derivative passive sentence with the Chinese bei-sentence as a passive sentence. Before the contrast, this paper explained the concept and range of the two passive sentences. This paper was intended to comparatively analyses four kinds of essential components of the passive, and made an attempt to find similarities and differences of the four components between Korean and Chinese. Furthermore, this paper made an attempt to achieve a concrete analysis that could explain the sharing characteristics between Korean derivative passive sentence and Chinese bei-sentence. It seems that there is no one-to-one correspondence between the two passive sentences. On the basis of the analysis, the author of this paper argues that the explanation and contrastive analysis could contribute to the understanding of similarities and differences between the two languages. Especially, the understanding could surely help Chinese students of Korean learn most difficult grammatical features of Korean.