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The purpose of this study was twofold: 1) to investigate whether L2 Korean learners (n = 30) of English would show a similar processing pattern with that of native speakers of English (n = 7), and 2) to examine whether there is any variability between the two different L2 proficiency groups -- highly-advanced (n = 16) vs. intermediate (n = 14) in regard to the effect of L2 proficiency on L2 syntactic processing. For data collection, this study employed a survey questioning the participants’ demographic informations and a self-paced reading task with ambiguous relative clauses. For the research purposes, I compared the performances of the task by the two Korean groups with those by English monolinguals. The results of this study showed that even highly proficient L2 learners are not always processing ambiguous relative sentences similarly to English monolinguals and that they are showing an effect of L1 transfer. Also, L2 proficiency seems to partially play a role on L2 syntactic processing. At the end of this study, were made some significant suggestions for further research.