초록 열기/닫기 버튼

Chinese was made under the influence of colorful pictures and signs which were carved on stone as well as earthenware. Observing the symbolic meanings of signs on the petroglyph is not only regarded as master original superficial meaning of Chinese but also quite helpful for researching deeper meaning behind ancient Chinese characters. The signs carved on the petroglyph shows discovery that the signs, ‘△’ and ‘▽’ were found around the world, including China and Korea. In conclusion it is concluded that ‘△’ means man(man's genitals), while ‘▽’ means woman(woman's genitals). In order to learn how to write those signs we searched for them in the oracle and bronze inscription. There are several Chinese characters including ‘△ ’in the oracle and bronze inscription, such as ‘吉’, ‘合’, ‘會’, ‘亯’, ‘’, ‘高’, ‘膏’, ‘喬’. However, according to the analysis of calligraphy and phonetic elements, ‘△’ is much better by given the definition of appropriate by comparison of the concept of men's genitals. In addition, ‘▽’ shows up like ‘不’, ‘丕’, ‘否’, ‘才’, ‘在’, ‘帝’ also defined with suitable rather than women's genitals with the same method of analysis. The petroglyph signs appeared on the oracle and bronze inscription can strongly prove that there’s close relationships between the symbolic meaning of petroglyph signs and the original meaning of the oracle and bronze inscription.