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This article re-examines the political leadership of Hatoyama Cabinet known as Seijishudo. After LDP regime collapsed, DPJ attempted to implement a new process for making new policies designed to give more power and responsibilities to the politicians in the process. Seijishudo of Hatoyama Cabinet was started with the budget process for the 2010 fiscal year. Despite the revolutionary movement towards implementing new policies, cabinet indecisiveness surfaced as the cabinet members, including the Prime Minister, were working on the budget. Seijishudo is considered as an imprudent or even failed attempt on changing decision-making process. In addition, researchers who agreed with this point of view usually focused only on system design in decision making process and neglected political structures, had influenced in Japanese politics. Why did the Hatoyama cabinet fail to attempt Seijishudo? In this article, we discuss how the political structural factors that influenced decisions made by the Cabinet. We categorize these factors into socio-economic, electoral and party organizational factor.