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In the discussion on how to describe the Edo period is one of the major challenges of early modern history. Precede researchers describe using the term it ‘Bakuhan Regime’. they say that the middle ages and early modern of Japan is feudalism. But specially feudalism of early modern is ‘Bakuhan Regime’. ‘Bakuhan Regime’ transition to Serfdom small family of Monogamy in middle ages slavery through ‘Taikou land investigation’ of ‘kokudaka system’ around the first of the Toyotomi, and also received, the foundation through completion ‘Henoubunri’ by such commands issued were in the early 17th century by forming the national isolation of foreign relations that saw completion. After that point of view ‘Bakuhan Regime’ was developed as he turned society, structure, nation. That is ‘Bakuhan Regime of Society theory’ ‘The Structure Theory of Bakuhan Regim’ ‘The Society Theory of Bakuhan Regim’ ‘The Nation Theory of Bakuhan Regim’. Over the 1980-1990 study’s scope has been expanded identity, religion, foreign relations, bureaucracy, popular movements, distribution etc. However, we must remember the term of ‘Bakuhan Regim’ is created to define the Edo Period. We now need to escape from term of the ‘The theory of Bakuhan Regim’.