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Our interest in Islamic Economy and Finance has rapidly increased since world financial crisis 2008. Related researches and studies became much animated but practically we have put our focus on small part of Islamic financial transaction only. Business and financial circles in Korea has paid their attention to Sukuk(Islamic bonds) only to attract huge fund. In fact, we are doing fragmentary approach to Islamic finance according to our needs only and doing research an applicability of Islamic finance through limited view. This kind situation puts us to inconvenience and regrettable condition because we can’t see Islamic finance on the whole. Therefore we need to find an applicable market to Islamic finance from the view of Islamic finance not(more than) our view looking for the fund. It is well known that Islamic finance has made great strides during a decade recently in consequence of the expanding business volume of Islamic financial institutions including Islamic banks. So, if we understand the financial transaction which Islamic banks manage and operate, it will be very helpful for us to find an applicable and appropriate market for Islamic finance through understanding Islamic financing ways.