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Recently, studies related to the succession to the throne in Saudi Arabia have also been made in Korea, but only at the minimum level. And even these studies do not cover in detail the Allegiance Commission itself. In this study, the analysis will be focused mainly on the untouched study of the Allegiance Commission itself and the specific characteristics of the Allegiance Commission Statute rather than the usual study of the internal power struggle or the possibility of changes in the process of succession to the throne among Saudi royal families. This will help to deepen one's understanding of the content and outcome of previous studies and analyze the future disorder that is likely to occur in the process of succession to the throne in Saudi Arabia. The Allegiance Commission Statute is the core of the Saudi Arabian monarchy. This is because the decision for the royal succession is defined by this law. Article 5, Section 3 of Saudi Arabia's basic law of governance prohibits the dogmatic selection of the Crown Prince by defining the process of selecting the Crown Prince according to the Allegiance Commission Statute. As Sultan Bin Abdul Aziz Al Saud, appointed as Crown Prince in 2005, died in 6 years in 2011, his brother Naif took over as Crown Prince and again he himself passed away in just 8 months. Since the aging of the future crown prince candidates has exceeded its limits,ie., Salman Bin Abdul Aziz being selected as the new Crown Prince,the decision for the Saudi royal family seems to have finished instability out of the process and the ongoing democratic awakening throughout the region are threatening even the fate of the pro-American Saudi Arabian kingdom.

Recently, studies related to the succession to the throne in Saudi Arabia have also been made in Korea, but only at the minimum level. And even these studies do not cover in detail the Allegiance Commission itself. In this study, the analysis will be focused mainly on the untouched study of the Allegiance Commission itself and the specific characteristics of the Allegiance Commission Statute rather than the usual study of the internal power struggle or the possibility of changes in the process of succession to the throne among Saudi royal families. This will help to deepen one's understanding of the content and outcome of previous studies and analyze the future disorder that is likely to occur in the process of succession to the throne in Saudi Arabia. The Allegiance Commission Statute is the core of the Saudi Arabian monarchy. This is because the decision for the royal succession is defined by this law. Article 5, Section 3 of Saudi Arabia's basic law of governance prohibits the dogmatic selection of the Crown Prince by defining the process of selecting the Crown Prince according to the Allegiance Commission Statute. As Sultan Bin Abdul Aziz Al Saud, appointed as Crown Prince in 2005, died in 6 years in 2011, his brother Naif took over as Crown Prince and again he himself passed away in just 8 months. Since the aging of the future crown prince candidates has exceeded its limits,ie., Salman Bin Abdul Aziz being selected as the new Crown Prince,the decision for the Saudi royal family seems to have finished instability out of the process and the ongoing democratic awakening throughout the region are threatening even the fate of the pro-American Saudi Arabian kingdom.