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The purpose of this longitudinal study was to examine the effects of the transition to caregiver role caring family members with ADL(Activities of Daily Living) limitations on mental health. Specifically, this study examined how the influence of the transition to caregiver role varied due to differences in the relationship between caregiver and care recipient. Also, this study examined the mediating effects of the satisfaction in family relationship in the association between the transition to caregiver role and mental health. Data from 2 waves of the Korean Longitudinal Study of Aging(KLoSA) 2006-2008 were used for this analysis. A sample of 7,875 was selected except for the inappropriate respondents. The results of this study were as follows; First, the transition to caregiver role impacted on mental health. In other words, the transition to caregiver role caused high level of depression and low level of life satisfaction. However, the influence of the transition to caregiver role was different for spousal caregiver than child caregiver. While transition to child caregiver role didn't impact on mental health, the transition to spousal caregiver role caused high level of depression and low level of life satisfaction. Second, the satisfaction in family relationship mediated between the transition to spousal caregiver role and mental health. In other words, the transition to spousal caregiver role influenced the mental health of caregivers indirectly through its effects on the satisfaction of the relationship with their spouses.