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This study was a narrative research of 'definition of love' of university students presented in journaling tasks suggested in two classes, 'marriage and family' and 'sexuality and love'. It was analyzed in reference to the narrative research process and procedure suggested by Clandinin and Connely(2000). Only the section of the definition of Love was excerpted from the love stories written by them to analyze the narratives of 75 students in total (42 males, 33 females) with the focus placed on the definition section. The purpose of this study is to analyze the narratives on the definition of love for male and female university students to investigate gender differences. The results show that what was common in their narratives was the definition of 'love as feeling.' 'Feeling' includes exchange of such emotions as jealousy, sorrow, and distress as well as that of warm and happy emotions. University students were found to emphasize 'feeling' in the emotional respect rather than in the cognitive one. Gender differences were shown in four sub-categories of love, respectively: 'experiencing' in their living rather than defining it by language, 'being absolute', 'being of fate', and 'being of pure' for females and 'giving' in a subjective and positive attitude, 'being passionate' in terms of motivation, 'making efforts' in a mature attitude and 'being in love is painful' for males. This study could investigate narratives on the definition of love for university students to discover how they defined love and to identify gender differences. I hope that 'love' desired by university students will become harmonious with reality.