초록 열기/닫기 버튼

This paper studied practical qualifications required of Korean teachers in today’s schools rather than moral, virtue and philosophical justifications needed by Korean teachers. In particular, discussions are developed focusing on the desired image of Korean teachers who teach Korean writing and speech and the social demands on Korean teacher training. In order to achieve this, it defined that academic advancement of Korean education is closely linked to the index aspired by Korean teachers, and also that the state of Korean teachers requires knowing the theory of Korean education, and contents and methods of teaching &learning, in other words, content studies of subject matter and method studies of subject matter. In addition, social demands of teachers as national educators of ideology, subject matter specialists and role models in Korean teacher training or in training programs are discussed. Lastly, it talked about Korean teachers as those who still try not to give up but cherish their dreams compared to teachers of other subjects although they are professionals in the midst of a fierce struggle for existence.