초록 열기/닫기 버튼

The purpose of this essay is to look into the role of Korean Language Education in relation to the communal life. ‘The community’ in this essay is considered in deep relation to the modern capitalistic society which is constructed in this present time rather than in the past time. First of all, as I investigated ‘2009 revised curriculum’, there were various levels of ‘community’ such as society, nation, history and nature. In addition to this, the notions of the progressive ideology such as sexual equality, social minority, ecology were supported as the concerns of communal society. And ‘community’ rather than ‘nation’ was put ahead. Also, ‘individualism’ and ‘communalism’ were compromised. As to the communal life and the role of Korean Language Education, I think, it is necessary to revise the concept. Even if we accept we need to preserve and develop the life of ‘national community’, ‘community’ should not be identified with ‘nation’ and ‘nationalism’. Moreover, Korean Language Education needs to take interest in the ‘regional community’ or ‘social minority’. Finally, I think that Korean Language Education needs to empathize mutual help and coexistence rather than competition and struggle to awake the value of community life against the capitalistic market economy. For the purpose of this, ‘the communal imagination’ should be educated.