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The aim of this thesis is exploring the present condition and direction of improvement of researching interpretive text. To reach the goal, 5 researchers of literature education discuss of selected interpretive texts. Interpretive text is the evidence of literary experience and the crucial data to design of literary education. To get a perspective of interpretive text, this thesis is performed in the following order: ⑴ selecting 4 interpretive texts, ⑵ discussing twice, and ⑶ introspective analyzing of contents of discussion. The perception of interpretive text is devided into two parts; interpretive text as a Genotext and interpretive text as a Phenotext. This perception is connectd the awareness of good interpretive text. Researchers agree with the characteristics of genre on interpretive text, but some of researchers prefer integrated interpretation and some of researchers prefer enquiring interpretation. There are confrontation of opinions about teaching method of interpretive text. One is hierarchy of interpretation ability is the base of interpretation education and the other is individual instruction serve much more of an educational purpose. The meaning of this study is ⑴ communicating various points of view of interpretive text, ⑵ leading consensus on evaluation direction of interpretive tex, and ⑶ setting up the interpretational education contents.