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우리나라의 법질서 준수지수는 경제협력개발기구(OECD) 30개국 중 27위에 불과 하다고 한다. 이는 산업화와 민주화를 단기간에 달성하고 세계 10위권의 경제대국으 로 성장한 우리나라로서는 부끄러운 일이다. 우리나라 법질서 수준이 선진국을 따라 가지 못한 이유는 법을 지키는 사람은 반드시 혜택을 보고, 법을 어기는 사람은 반드 시 불이익을 받는다는 원칙이 확립되지 못하였기 때문일 것이다. 건물을 지을 때는 기초공사가 잘되어야 튼튼한 건물이 되고, 지진피해를 당하지 않으려면 기초공사에 서 내진설계가 잘 되어 있어야 한다. 과학이 발전하기 위해서는 기초과학이 발전해야 이를 응용하여 응용과학이 발전할 수 있다. 마찬가지로 기초질서가 바로 잡혀야 더 큰 국가질서도 확립될 수 있는 것이다. “기초질서 위반을 방치하면 더 큰 위반인 강력범죄를 야기할 수 있다”. “바늘 도둑이 소도둑 된다”, “바늘도둑도 꼭 잡아야 한다”는 관점에서 기초질서의 중요성을 인식해야 할 것이다. 이에 따라 본 논문에서는 기초질서 통제의 이론적 접근으로 제지이론, 깨진 창이 론, 비범죄화논의를 바탕으로 우리나라의 기초질서 통제에 관한 법규의 검토, 국가경 찰의 단속과 규제활동을 검토하여 그 적극적 통제방안을 제시하였다. 기초질서 위반 에 대한 적극적 통제방안으로 국민의식측면과 제도적 측면(벌금형의 과태료로의 전 환, 자치경찰제도의 재추진, 조례에 의한 상태책임의 부과)을 제시하였다.

This study is to suggest Effective control alternatives of elementary social order offense which have not received much attention in the academic field. After the end of World War Ⅱ, criminal sanctions have been used to excess as a measure of controlling over the Minor offenses and administrative law violation in korea. The overuse of criminal sanctions gives rise to mass criminals previously convicted of a minor law violence, and causes to overburden criminal justice agencies with work responsibility. This study is summarized as follows. First, it is to examine theoretical background for controlling elementary social order offenses, and to investigate previous study for discussion. Second, it is to analyze the current control system about elementary social order offense, and to seek out suggestion from law and national police activities. Effective control alternatives of elementary social order offense is summarized as follows. First, it is required to clarify the material distinction between crime and administrative offence and to push ahead with decriminalization. second, Je-Ju island was chosen to perform autonomous police 2006 when special law was set up to make Je-Ju international liberal city. In the same manner, autonomous authority of another regions have to introduce autonomous police system. Third, Autonomous law have to control Graffiti, broken windows, physical disorder for maintaining clear community. For examples, the owner or occupant of property shall maintain the property free of graffiti. fourth, national police have to perform educational role about elementary social order offenses and to be unwilling to pardon offenses for the consciousness of abiding law.

This study is to suggest Effective control alternatives of elementary social order offense which have not received much attention in the academic field. After the end of World War Ⅱ, criminal sanctions have been used to excess as a measure of controlling over the Minor offenses and administrative law violation in korea. The overuse of criminal sanctions gives rise to mass criminals previously convicted of a minor law violence, and causes to overburden criminal justice agencies with work responsibility. This study is summarized as follows. First, it is to examine theoretical background for controlling elementary social order offenses, and to investigate previous study for discussion. Second, it is to analyze the current control system about elementary social order offense, and to seek out suggestion from law and national police activities. Effective control alternatives of elementary social order offense is summarized as follows. First, it is required to clarify the material distinction between crime and administrative offence and to push ahead with decriminalization. second, Je-Ju island was chosen to perform autonomous police 2006 when special law was set up to make Je-Ju international liberal city. In the same manner, autonomous authority of another regions have to introduce autonomous police system. Third, Autonomous law have to control Graffiti, broken windows, physical disorder for maintaining clear community. For examples, the owner or occupant of property shall maintain the property free of graffiti. fourth, national police have to perform educational role about elementary social order offenses and to be unwilling to pardon offenses for the consciousness of abiding law.