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본 연구에서는 조직시민행동이 경찰조직에서 지니는 함의(평가)와 직무만족과의 관계에 대하여 분석하고자 하였다. 조직시민행동에 대한 기존 논의들을 개관한 후, Smith 등의 2요인 척도(1983), Russel 등의 JIG 척도(2004)를 중심으로 경사・경위급 경찰공무원들의 조직시민행동과 직무만족 수준을 분석하였으며, 총경급 고위관리자들로 하여금 조직시민행동의 경찰 조직 내 성과 관련성에 대하여 평가하도록 하였다. 연구결과를 요약하면 먼저, 경찰공무원들은 평균적으로 3.547, 3.915의 보통 이상 수준으로 ‘이타성’과 ‘순응’이라는 조직시민행동을 표출하고 있는 것으로 나타났다. 둘째, 총경급 고위 관리자들은 ‘이타성’과 ‘순응’이 경찰조직의 비용 절감, 목표 달성, 치안고객 만족도 등에 긍정적인 기여를 하고 있다고 평가하며, 이를 통해 전반적인 조직성과에 긍정적인 영향을 가져다주는 것으로 인식하고 있었다. 이는 경찰조직에서는 조직시민행동적 가치가 조직성과에 긍정적 영향을 미치고 있음을 보여주는 것이다. 셋째, 경찰공무원들의 직무만 족이 ‘이타성’과 ‘순응’ 모두에 0.1% 유의수준에서 유의미한 영향력을 미치고 있음을 확인할 수 있었다. 이러한 연구 결과를 토대로 본 연구의 이론적・실천적 의미를 적시하고 후속 연구를 위한 몇 가지 과제들을 제시하였다.

This study examined the effects of organizational citizenship behavior(OCB) on organizational performance and the relationship between OCB and job satisfaction in police organization. Based on prior researches, OCB was hypothesized to improve the effectiveness of police organization and to be significantly related with police officials' job satisfaction. Organizational citizenship behavior was defined, in accordance with Organ(1997), as “contributions to the maintenance and enhancement of the social and psychological context that supports task performance” and measured using Smith et al.(1983) measure of OCBs comprising two separate dimensions : Altruism, or helping specific persons, and Generalized Compliance, a more impersonal form of conscientious citizenship. And, job satisfaction using Russel et al.(2004) JIG scale. OCBs and job satisfaction were rated by 390 (Assistant) Inspectors attending basic education courses. Organizational performance was measured using multiple measures such as cost saving, goal achievement, customer satisfaction, and overall performance and rated subjectively by 54 higher ranking(Senior Superintendent) officials. The results are as follow. First, the level of police officials' OCBs were assessed to be slightly above the middle ; altruism, 3,547, generalized compliance, 3.915 respectively. Second, the OCBs in police organizations were rated positively related with overall organizational performances. Third, the results from the multiple regression on OCBs demonstrated significant links between job satisfaction and altruism and generalizedcompliance. The conclusion discussed some theoretical and practical implications and limitations of this study and some issues that should be considered in the future.

This study examined the effects of organizational citizenship behavior(OCB) on organizational performance and the relationship between OCB and job satisfaction in police organization. Based on prior researches, OCB was hypothesized to improve the effectiveness of police organization and to be significantly related with police officials' job satisfaction. Organizational citizenship behavior was defined, in accordance with Organ(1997), as “contributions to the maintenance and enhancement of the social and psychological context that supports task performance” and measured using Smith et al.(1983) measure of OCBs comprising two separate dimensions : Altruism, or helping specific persons, and Generalized Compliance, a more impersonal form of conscientious citizenship. And, job satisfaction using Russel et al.(2004) JIG scale. OCBs and job satisfaction were rated by 390 (Assistant) Inspectors attending basic education courses. Organizational performance was measured using multiple measures such as cost saving, goal achievement, customer satisfaction, and overall performance and rated subjectively by 54 higher ranking(Senior Superintendent) officials. The results are as follow. First, the level of police officials' OCBs were assessed to be slightly above the middle ; altruism, 3,547, generalized compliance, 3.915 respectively. Second, the OCBs in police organizations were rated positively related with overall organizational performances. Third, the results from the multiple regression on OCBs demonstrated significant links between job satisfaction and altruism and generalizedcompliance. The conclusion discussed some theoretical and practical implications and limitations of this study and some issues that should be considered in the future.