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본 연구의 목적은 학생의 배경에 따른 교사의 수업효율성 지각과 학업성취와의 관계를 밝히는 것이다. 이를 위하여 학생의 배경에 따른 교사의 수업효율성 변인을 분석단위로 하여 교사의 수업효율성 지각과 학업성취와의 관계를 검증하였다. 연구결과는 다음과 같다. 첫째, 학생의 배경(사회계층)과 교사의 수업효율성 지각과의 관계에서는 사회계층과 교사의 수업효율성 지각과는 대체적으로 유의미한 관계가 없었다. 둘째, 학생의 학년, 성별에 따른 교사의 수업효율성 지각과 학업성취와의 관계에서는 A, B 초등학교 공히 유의미한 관계가 없는 것으로 나타났으며, 학생의 배경 변인에다 교사의 수업효율성 평정 변인이 추가됨으로써 학생의 학업성취는 각각 1.2%, 4.3%의 증가를 가져왔다. 셋째, 학업성취에 영향을 주는 학교수준 변인은 교사의 수업효율성 변인만이 학업성취에 유의미하게 영향을 주는 것으로 나타났다.

The purpose of this study was to explore the relationship between students' perception of teacher effectiveness and academic achievement on the basis of their socioeconomic status. To conduct the purpose of this study, the following research problems were established. First, to examine the relationship between students' socioeconomic status and perception of teacher effectiveness?. Second, to analyze the relationship between students' perception of teacher effectiveness and academic achievement?. Third, to analyze the effects of students' socioeconomic status and perception of teacher effectiveness on their academic achievement?. The survey about what is good teacher's teaching behavior was made for the research. The results of this survey responded by a total of 847 fifth and sixth graders in two elementary schools are as followings: First, the analysis of correlation between students' socioeconomic status and their perception of teacher effectiveness shows insignificant, but teachers interaction is significant negative correlation. father's a level of education and validity factors in teacher effectiveness is significant positive correlation. Second, the analysis of correlation between students' perception of teacher effectiveness and academic achievement shows insignificant, Third, the multiple regression analysis of affection on students' academic achievement by their socioeconomic status and perception of teacher effectiveness shows that the affection of socioeconomic status on academic achievement is 2.6%, 1.3% each school. But when the variance of students trait added 1.2%, 4.3% plus, perception of teacher effectiveness is added, the correlation comes to 3.8%, 5.6% increased. fourth, the hlm analysis of affection on students' academic achievement is teacher effectiveness variance.

The purpose of this study was to explore the relationship between students' perception of teacher effectiveness and academic achievement on the basis of their socioeconomic status. To conduct the purpose of this study, the following research problems were established. First, to examine the relationship between students' socioeconomic status and perception of teacher effectiveness?. Second, to analyze the relationship between students' perception of teacher effectiveness and academic achievement?. Third, to analyze the effects of students' socioeconomic status and perception of teacher effectiveness on their academic achievement?. The survey about what is good teacher's teaching behavior was made for the research. The results of this survey responded by a total of 847 fifth and sixth graders in two elementary schools are as followings: First, the analysis of correlation between students' socioeconomic status and their perception of teacher effectiveness shows insignificant, but teachers interaction is significant negative correlation. father's a level of education and validity factors in teacher effectiveness is significant positive correlation. Second, the analysis of correlation between students' perception of teacher effectiveness and academic achievement shows insignificant, Third, the multiple regression analysis of affection on students' academic achievement by their socioeconomic status and perception of teacher effectiveness shows that the affection of socioeconomic status on academic achievement is 2.6%, 1.3% each school. But when the variance of students trait added 1.2%, 4.3% plus, perception of teacher effectiveness is added, the correlation comes to 3.8%, 5.6% increased. fourth, the hlm analysis of affection on students' academic achievement is teacher effectiveness variance.