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고등학교 평준화 정책은 교육개선을 이룬 바도 있으나, 사립학교를 준공립화하여 사학의 독자적 운영을 어렵게 했다. 정부는 이러한 문제의 해결을 위해 특수목적고등학교를 설치하였다. 이와 함께 자율학교 및 자립형 사립고등학교를 각각 1999년과 2002년부터 시범운영해오고 있다. 이들 학교에 대하여 시범운영취지, 학생선발, 교육과정, 교원인사, 교육행정 및 재정 운영 측면에서 현황 및 문제점, 개선방안에 대하여 제시하였다. 고등학교 평준화 정책의 기본적인 구조를 유지하면서 공교육을 개선하고, 학교다양화 정책으로 사학의 자율권을 확대해 줄 필요가 있다. 정부는 사학의 비중을 어느 정도로 유지할 것이며, 사학을 어떻게 유형화할 것인지의 여부를 확정지어야 한다. 또한 학교다양화 정책의 논리성을 확보하고, 사학의 경쟁력 강화를 위해 정책의 우선순위를 설정할 필요가 있다.

The purpose of this study is to analyze the measures to diversify high school types. The following were analyzed: high school equalization policy and the function of private high schools, improving measures of the regulation-free high school operation, improving measures of the independent private high school operation, and improving the operation of private high school system to increase the competitive power in education. Regulation-free high schools and independent private high schools have been operated as a model school respectively from 1999 and 2002. Problems and reform measures are suggested for these schools in the fields of purpose of model schools, student selection, curriculum, personnel, and educational administration and finance. High school equalization policy should not be changed. And more autonomous power should be given to the private high schools. To accomplish this, the following should be discussed: ① The government should decide the ratio of private high schools. ② The types of private high schools should be classified. And regulation-free high schools and independent private high schools should be increased. ③ More logical reasoning is needed in the policy of school type diversification. ④ Competitive power in private high school education should be increased. ⑤ The government should coordinate the policy priority order.

The purpose of this study is to analyze the measures to diversify high school types. The following were analyzed: high school equalization policy and the function of private high schools, improving measures of the regulation-free high school operation, improving measures of the independent private high school operation, and improving the operation of private high school system to increase the competitive power in education. Regulation-free high schools and independent private high schools have been operated as a model school respectively from 1999 and 2002. Problems and reform measures are suggested for these schools in the fields of purpose of model schools, student selection, curriculum, personnel, and educational administration and finance. High school equalization policy should not be changed. And more autonomous power should be given to the private high schools. To accomplish this, the following should be discussed: ① The government should decide the ratio of private high schools. ② The types of private high schools should be classified. And regulation-free high schools and independent private high schools should be increased. ③ More logical reasoning is needed in the policy of school type diversification. ④ Competitive power in private high school education should be increased. ⑤ The government should coordinate the policy priority order.