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이 연구는 최근 교육계의 최대 쟁점이 되고 있는 교사 다면평가제의 적용 방안을 탐색하고자 한다. 지금까지의 교사 근무성적평정은 승진과 전보 수단으로서의 기능만으로 인식되어 왔기 때문에 교육의 질적 개선에는 기여하지 못한 것으로 평가되고 있다. 교사평가는 학교교육의 질적 수준을 고양시켜 학생에게 질 높은 교육을 받도록 하기 위한 방법으로 반드시 필요한 과정이다. 이제 교육의 질적 수준을 고려한 공정하고 타당한 교사평가제 적용 방안을 고민해야 할 때이다. 다양한 평가주체들이 구성원들의 업무실적과 능력을 공정하고 객관적으로 파악하려는 노력의 일환으로 도입된 다면평가제는 이미 일반기업이나 행정기관에서 도입⋅시행되고 있으며, 이를 현행 교원근무성적평정제도의 개선을 위한 대안으로 학교차원에서 고려해 보는 것은 매우 시의적절한 일이라 판단된다. 이 연구는 교장, 교감에 의한 기존의 하향식 교사평가제에서 벗어나서 학생, 학부모, 동료교사 등 다양한 평가자원이 참여하는 교사 다면평가제의 적용 방안을 제시하였다. 다면평가제 적용 방안은 구체적으로 누가, 무엇을, 어떻게, 왜 하는가의 문제이기 때문에 평가주체, 평가내용, 평가목적, 평가방법, 평가결과 활용 등으로 구분하여 제시하였다.

The purpose of the study is designed to find application methods of multi-source assessment system of teacher's as a cure for the point at issue of the present teacher's assessment system. The procedure and results of teacher rating should be used as information for improving teaching-learning activities and promoting teachers' professionalization through feedback rather than for personnel management in relation to promotion, transference and awarding. Peer evaluation, parents evaluation and students evaluation need to be introduced in order to raise the level of fairness and acceptability of the assessment. It is expected to ensure fairness by putting aside personal consideration in the evaluation. The characteristics of multi-source assessment system of teacher affect appraisee's acceptance in overall. Evaluation criteria, appraiser credibility, and feedback have positive influences on appraisee's acceptance. At the time of introduction, it should be used for managerial competence or communication increase, not for compensation such as promotion or salary. In conclusion, multi-source assessment system of teacher is desirable to be introduced gradually in order to improve the problems of the present evaluation system.

The purpose of the study is designed to find application methods of multi-source assessment system of teacher's as a cure for the point at issue of the present teacher's assessment system. The procedure and results of teacher rating should be used as information for improving teaching-learning activities and promoting teachers' professionalization through feedback rather than for personnel management in relation to promotion, transference and awarding. Peer evaluation, parents evaluation and students evaluation need to be introduced in order to raise the level of fairness and acceptability of the assessment. It is expected to ensure fairness by putting aside personal consideration in the evaluation. The characteristics of multi-source assessment system of teacher affect appraisee's acceptance in overall. Evaluation criteria, appraiser credibility, and feedback have positive influences on appraisee's acceptance. At the time of introduction, it should be used for managerial competence or communication increase, not for compensation such as promotion or salary. In conclusion, multi-source assessment system of teacher is desirable to be introduced gradually in order to improve the problems of the present evaluation system.