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본 연구는 학교교육 질 관리기제로 운영되고 있는 학교평가, 종합장학, 종합감사의 현황과 문제점에 대해 살펴보고, 학교평가와 종합장학 및 종합감사의 연계 방안을 마련하는데 목적이 있다. 연구 결과, 현행 학교평가, 종합장학, 종합감사의 공통적 문제점으로는 1) 상급기관에 의해 주도된다는 점, 2) 시책사업 점검 위주로 진행된다는 점, 3) 전문성이 떨어진다는 점, 5) 여건 정비 및 결과 활용이 미흡하다는 점 등이 있는 것으로 나타났다. 본 연구에서 구안한 학교평가와 종합장학 및 종합감사의 연계 방안은 크게 기존 체제 유지를 통한 연계 방안과 기존 체제 재구조화를 통한 연계 방안 둘로 나누었고, 기존 체제 재구조화를 통한 연계 방안은 다시 하위 영역으로 1) 학교평가와 종합장학의 통합, 2) 학교평가와 종합감사의 통합, 3) 학교평가, 종합장학, 종합감사의 통합 등 셋으로 나누어 그 연계 방안을 논하였다.

The purpose of this study is to examine the current state and the problems of school evaluation system, supervision system and inspection system as mechanisms of the quality management for school, and to make out schemes connecting the systems. The results of this research are as follows: Firstly, we found some common problems in school evaluation system, supervision system and inspection system for schools. The systems are 1) leaded by the superior offices, 2) focused on the examination of the governmental policies, 3) carried out by those who have low specialty, 4) under the poor environment, and 5) short of the application of the results which the systems yield. Secondly, we made two schemes as connecting systems among school evaluation system, supervision system and inspection system for schools. One scheme is connecting the systems without any change of the existing systems. Another is connecting the systems under the restructuring of the systems. The latter includes three connecting systems followed: 1) a connecting system between school evaluation system and supervision system, 2) a connecting system between school evaluation system and inspection system, 3) a connecting system among school evaluation system, supervision system, inspection system.

The purpose of this study is to examine the current state and the problems of school evaluation system, supervision system and inspection system as mechanisms of the quality management for school, and to make out schemes connecting the systems. The results of this research are as follows: Firstly, we found some common problems in school evaluation system, supervision system and inspection system for schools. The systems are 1) leaded by the superior offices, 2) focused on the examination of the governmental policies, 3) carried out by those who have low specialty, 4) under the poor environment, and 5) short of the application of the results which the systems yield. Secondly, we made two schemes as connecting systems among school evaluation system, supervision system and inspection system for schools. One scheme is connecting the systems without any change of the existing systems. Another is connecting the systems under the restructuring of the systems. The latter includes three connecting systems followed: 1) a connecting system between school evaluation system and supervision system, 2) a connecting system between school evaluation system and inspection system, 3) a connecting system among school evaluation system, supervision system, inspection system.