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본 연구는 경상북도 소재의 초등학교, 중학교, 고등학교 총 21개교를 중심으로 학교운영위원회의 회의록(1999년~2002년)의 내용을 분석하여 학교운영위원회의 주요활동을 추출․분석하였다. 구체적으로 학교운영위원회의 기능, 운영 및 활동을 중심으로 실제 학교운영위원회의 주요 심의기능 안건내용(학교헌장 및 학칙제․개정/교육계획, 교육과정, 교원인사, 학교재정/학부모부담경비, 체육․보건/학교급식, 학교환경 및 시설관리, 학교운영위원회 운영 및 절차 등) 일곱가지 영역을 학교급별(초․중․고)로 비교․분석하였다. 학교운영위원회의 회의록 분석결과와 관련 집단(학교장, 운영위원장, 교원위원, 학부모위원, 지역위원) 및 전문가를 대상으로 한 심층면담 결과를 토대로 하여 학교운영위원회의 개선방안을 탐색․제시하였다. 이러한 분석 결과를 토대로 학교운영위원회가 민주적이고 합리적인 학교경영의 중심축으로 자리매김 하는 데 기여하고자 하였다.

The purpose of the study was to analyze discussion issues of school governing body focusing on elementary, middle, and high school which located at Kyungbuk province and provide the way for activating the school governing body. For achieving the purpose, the study established theoretical framework and based upon it, the minutes of school governing body of 21 schools were analyzed. Also, it compared seven categories(school charter and school rule establishment and revision/educational plan, curriculum, personnel policy of teachers, school finance/parents-loaded expense, physical education, health/school meals, school environment and facility management, the operation and procedure of the school governing body) by school level. And interviewed relevant groups such as principal, head of school governing body, committee of teacher, parents and community personnel. The results of the study showed that there were statistically significant differences in above seven categories by school level. Based on the results, the study suggested improvement tasks for the school governing body. First, the school governing body should be the core decision-making organization in democratic and autonomous school management. Second, it should be achieved the establishment and revision of school charter and school regulation for elevating school climate and pride and activating creative activities. Third, school curriculum should reflect local community and school speciality by enlarging elective subjects, and school should have the right of curriculum choice. Finally, in the area of personnel policy of teachers, the invitation system of principals should be activated, and it needs a system for reflecting the opinion of principals in teachers' recruitment.

The purpose of the study was to analyze discussion issues of school governing body focusing on elementary, middle, and high school which located at Kyungbuk province and provide the way for activating the school governing body. For achieving the purpose, the study established theoretical framework and based upon it, the minutes of school governing body of 21 schools were analyzed. Also, it compared seven categories(school charter and school rule establishment and revision/educational plan, curriculum, personnel policy of teachers, school finance/parents-loaded expense, physical education, health/school meals, school environment and facility management, the operation and procedure of the school governing body) by school level. And interviewed relevant groups such as principal, head of school governing body, committee of teacher, parents and community personnel. The results of the study showed that there were statistically significant differences in above seven categories by school level. Based on the results, the study suggested improvement tasks for the school governing body. First, the school governing body should be the core decision-making organization in democratic and autonomous school management. Second, it should be achieved the establishment and revision of school charter and school regulation for elevating school climate and pride and activating creative activities. Third, school curriculum should reflect local community and school speciality by enlarging elective subjects, and school should have the right of curriculum choice. Finally, in the area of personnel policy of teachers, the invitation system of principals should be activated, and it needs a system for reflecting the opinion of principals in teachers' recruitment.