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이 연구는 미국의 고등교육 거버넌스를 나누어 분석하여, 현재 우리나라에서 논의되고 있는 고등교육 구조조정 및 운영체제 개선을 위한 시사점을 도출하고자 주립대학의 경우에 한정하여 1) 연방차원의 거버넌스, 2) 주 수준의 거버넌스, 3) 대학 단위 거버넌스 등의 세 차원을 분석하였다. 미국의 고등교육 거버넌스가 주는 시사점으로는 1) 연방정부는 국민의 기본권으로서의 고등교육기회 제공과 자원의 적절한 배분, 데이터에 근거한 정책결정, 대학평가를 통한 질 개선의 역할을 하고 있다는 점, 2) 고등교육의 기능과 역할에 따라 유형이 다른 거버넌스 방식을 취하고 있다는 점, 3) 주와 대학의 거버넌스 유형은 책무성과 자율성 양자사이의 균형유지를 위한 노력으로 특징지워질 수 있다는 점, 4) 고등교육기관들이 거버넌스의 자율을 누리고 있기는 하지만 국가적 차원에서 요구하는 질적 수준을 유지하기 위해서는 평가인증에 참여하여 질 보증을 받아야 한다는 점, 5)다양한 집단의 참여를 통한 의사결정 체제와 역할분담을 통한 의사결정체제가 구축되어 있다는 점 등을 들 수 있다.

This research analyzes America's higher education governance that excels Korea's higher education in terms of competitiveness. The aim is to restructure Korea's higher education and improve its management system, all of which are currently under discussion. The analysis of this research has been limited to state universities. Analysis was based on the following three: 1) federal level governance, 2) state level governance, 3) and the governance of universities. Since the center of America's higher education governance is the Governing Board of Higher Education established within each state, this research focused on the analysis of the type and function of each Governing Board of Higher Education. To analyze the governance of universities, case by case analysis of the educational administrations of the highly decentralized Michigan University and the highly centralized California University were conducted. The following are the results of the research on America's higher education governance. First, for the basic rights of its citizens, the federal government provides opportunities for higher education, proper allocation of resources, policies based on data, and improvements in the quality of education through evaluations of universities. Second, different types of governance are applied depending on the function and the role of each higher education. Third, state universities' governance are characterized by their effort to maintain a balance between accountability and autonomy. Fourth, although higher educational institutions have autonomy in their governance, they have to receive a guarantee in the quality of their education by participating in university evaluations in order to maintain the standard of quality required at the national level. Fifth, a participatory decision making is established through the participation of various groups and through the division of responsibilities.