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이 연구는 학교평가 현상을 문화적 관점에서 조망하려는 시도로서 학교평가문화를 진단하고 발전과제를 탐색하는 데 그 목적이 있다. 학교평가문화의 개념은 학교구성원들이 학교평가에 관하여 공유하는 가치, 태도, 신념으로 규정하였다. 학교평가문화의 진단을 위해서 통합적, 문화격차 시각에서 관찰, 면담, 설문조사 등의 삼각진단법을 활용하였다. 학교평가문화의 유형으로서 권력문화, 역할문화는 강하고 과업문화, 지원문화는 취약하며, 업무처리 문화는 강하고, 문제해결, 목표달성, 과업성취 문화는 취약함을 확인하였다. 학교평가문화의 주된 특성으로서 권위주의 문화, 형식주의 문화, 온정주의 문화를 규명하였다. 학교평가문화의 발전을 위한 과제로서 학교평가 여건의 조성, 학교평가의 전문성 제고, 학교평가 결과의 활용성 증대, 학교평가 권한의 분산 등을 제안 하였다.

The purpose of this study was to diagnose school evaluation culture, suggest developmental tasks of school evaluation system. To accomplish this purpose, reflective review about literature related with school evaluation and organizational culture, triangulation method, namely, interview method, participatory observation and cultural gap survey were conducted. The questionnaire was administered to the teachers and supervisors who participated in the KEDI school evaluation training program. The major characteristics of school evaluation culture were identified. Those were ①authoritarianism, ②formalism, ③paternalism. This study suggested developmental tasks as follows: First, to build up normal school evaluation condition. Second, to increase specialization of school evaluation. Third, to lay open the process and results of school evaluation. Fourth, to decentralize school evaluation power. Fifth, to emphasize educational utilization of school evaluation.

The purpose of this study was to diagnose school evaluation culture, suggest developmental tasks of school evaluation system. To accomplish this purpose, reflective review about literature related with school evaluation and organizational culture, triangulation method, namely, interview method, participatory observation and cultural gap survey were conducted. The questionnaire was administered to the teachers and supervisors who participated in the KEDI school evaluation training program. The major characteristics of school evaluation culture were identified. Those were ①authoritarianism, ②formalism, ③paternalism. This study suggested developmental tasks as follows: First, to build up normal school evaluation condition. Second, to increase specialization of school evaluation. Third, to lay open the process and results of school evaluation. Fourth, to decentralize school evaluation power. Fifth, to emphasize educational utilization of school evaluation.