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본 연구는 학교의 학습조직화 구축 정도를 진단하기 위한 측정모형을 설정하고 학습조직화 측정도구를 개발하는 데 목적이 있다. 학습조직의 구성요소는 구성원의 행동 특성, 학습의 지원 시스템, 학습의 실천과정으로 분류하여 요소들간의 역학적 관계를 설정하였다. 측정모형에 기초한 측정변인은 신념 체계, 권한 부여, 비전 공유, 전문성 개발, 체제적 사고, 리더십, 조직 구조, 의사 소통, 정보 시스템, 지식 창출, 지식 공유, 지식 저장, 지식 활용으로 구성하였다. 표본선정은 서울․경기․인천지역의 초등학교 교사 798의 질문지를 최종 분석하였다. 측정변인에 따른 구체적인 문항의 내용은 130개의 예비문항을 선정하여 확인적 요인분석을 통해 최종 80문항을 설별하였다. Cronbach α계수는 .87로 비교적 높은 신뢰도를 보여 활용가능이 있으며, 모형의 적합도 검증에서는 Chi-Square=145.570, df=62, p-value=0.000, RMSEA=0.194로 나타났다.

This research aimed at inventing instruments of measurement to diagnose the degree to which schools became more Learning Organized and analyzing the quality of the instruments. The results of the research are summarized below. First, in the theoretical aspect of the research, Learning Organization was ultimately seen as 'the state of constantly growing function.' The components were categorized as the behavioral characteristics of members, supporting systems, and the process of putting the learning into practice. The measuring model was established with 13 factors as the measuring variables for the Learning Organization: belief systems, empowering the authority, sharing the vision, development of professionalism, systematic thinking, leadership, the structure of the organization, communication, information system, and creating, sharing, storing, and utilizing knowledge. Second, in the methodological aspect of the research, these teachers were selected from elementary schools in Seoul, Gyeonggi, and Incheon. For the final examinations, the answers were collected from 798 teachers who worked in Seoul, Gyeonggi, and Incheon. Furthermore, as a way to increase the quality of the instruments of measurement, the content validity was proven, and the chosen 130 questions were utilized. Cronbach's α coefficients were obtained to verify the reliability and validity of the instruments, and their ranges for each factor were from .81 to .91. In addition, factors that have the eigen value of 1.0 or over were extracted from the varimax rotation in the factor analysis. Finally, the results of the research with respect to the application of the instruments are as follows. In this research, the affirmative factor analysis, which proved the suitability of the model, showed Chi-Square=145.570, df=62, p-value=0.000, and RMSEA=0.194.

This research aimed at inventing instruments of measurement to diagnose the degree to which schools became more Learning Organized and analyzing the quality of the instruments. The results of the research are summarized below. First, in the theoretical aspect of the research, Learning Organization was ultimately seen as 'the state of constantly growing function.' The components were categorized as the behavioral characteristics of members, supporting systems, and the process of putting the learning into practice. The measuring model was established with 13 factors as the measuring variables for the Learning Organization: belief systems, empowering the authority, sharing the vision, development of professionalism, systematic thinking, leadership, the structure of the organization, communication, information system, and creating, sharing, storing, and utilizing knowledge. Second, in the methodological aspect of the research, these teachers were selected from elementary schools in Seoul, Gyeonggi, and Incheon. For the final examinations, the answers were collected from 798 teachers who worked in Seoul, Gyeonggi, and Incheon. Furthermore, as a way to increase the quality of the instruments of measurement, the content validity was proven, and the chosen 130 questions were utilized. Cronbach's α coefficients were obtained to verify the reliability and validity of the instruments, and their ranges for each factor were from .81 to .91. In addition, factors that have the eigen value of 1.0 or over were extracted from the varimax rotation in the factor analysis. Finally, the results of the research with respect to the application of the instruments are as follows. In this research, the affirmative factor analysis, which proved the suitability of the model, showed Chi-Square=145.570, df=62, p-value=0.000, and RMSEA=0.194.