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본 논문은 교육행정의 지식기반 강화와 이론의 실천적용력 제고를 위한 체계적인 학문적 시도로서 교육행정철학의 미래적 발전가능성을 탐색해보는데 초점을 두었다. 이를 위해서 교육행정철학의 개념적 정의와 관련 논점을 살펴보았고, 철학의 하위분야별(존재론, 인식론, 가치론, 문화론) 향후 과제를 개괄하면서 교육행정철학의 미래적 발전에 필요한 종합적 제언(도구주의ㆍ발달주의 교육목적의 균형적 조화, 교육행정철학 개념체계의 정확성과 이론발달의 인식론적 토대 확립, 교육행정연구의 기술성과 규범성의 동시적 확보, 연구결과의 과학적 증거기반 확립, 내용적 지식ㆍ원인적 지식ㆍ방법적 지식의 융합적 연구풍토 정착 등)을 제시하였다.

It has been agreed in the field that a philosophy of educational adminstration is presumed to take a critical part in making educational administration have a better academic base for theory development. However, there has been very few substantial work concerning the philosophy of educational administration advanced to date. In this paper, some possible ideas of developing a philosophy of educational administration as a field have been suggested; namely, detailed research on the nature of the interconnected relationship amongst sub-disciplines including ontology, epistemology and axiology, the employment of recent scientific findings mainly gained from the latest development in natural sciences narrowing down the gap between the descriptive and the normative, the adoption of rational criteria dealing with a matter of theory choice, the establishment of evidence based research on value matters, the use of multiple methods including mixed methods research to studying the notion of culture. Building a strong academic foundation for the development of a philosophy of educational adminstration, it has been suggested, requires creation of various forms of collaborative work such as the establishment of special interest research groups, the implementation of professional programs and related subjects for the field in postgraduate schools, and a more open-minded research attitude embracing multidisciplinary studies, such as neuroeducation, drawing on data from neuroscience.