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본 연구는 14대 국회부터 18대 국회까지 총 1,556건의 교육법률안을 대상으로 국회 교육법률안의 처리 현황과 주요 내용을 분석하기 위한 연구로 그 결과는 다음과 같다. 첫째, 교육 관련 법률안 1,556건은 회기별로 14대 40건(67.5%), 15대 97건(58.8%), 16대 129건(40.3%), 17대 419건(28.6%), 18대 871건(16.6%)으로 발의건수는 급격히 증가하였으나, 가결율은 감소하였다. 발의 주체별로 의원발의 법률안이 1,309건(19.7%), 정부발의 법률안이 247건(57.1.%)으로 의원발의 법률안이 많았으나, 가결율은 정부발의 법률안이 높았다. 둘째, 단위학교 관련 법률안 809건은 17.4%의 가결율로, 단위학교 외 교육 관련 법률안은 747건 30.5%의 가결율을 보였고, 입법 주체별로 의원발의 103건 14.7%, 정부발의 38건 36.9%를 보였으며, 단위학교 외 교육 관련 법률안들은 대학 및 고등교육, 지방자치, 평생교육 순이였다. 셋째, 단위학교 관련 법률안 중 가결된 법률안 142건은, 회기별로 52.2%, 49.1%, 26.7%, 17.7%, 9.2%로 가결율이 감소하였고, 영역별로 학교구성원 52건(36.6%), 학교구조 46건(32.4%), 관리 33건(23.2%), 교육과정 11건(7.7%) 순이였다. 입법 주체별로 의원발의 법률안은 106건(74.6%), 정부발의 법률안은 36건(25.4%), 의원발의 법률안은 구조 36건, 구성원 40건, 관리 21건, 교육과정 9건, 정부발의 법률안은 구성원 및 관리 12건, 구조 10건, 교육과정 2건 순이였다.

This study is to find out the present status and major contents of the 1,556 education related bills that had been handled in the National Assembly from 14th till 18th. The results are as following. First, the number of motions for the bills had been rapidly increased; however, the ratio of approval had been decreased. It had been 40 bills (ratio of approval 67.5%) in the 14th National Assembly, 97 (58.8%) in 15th, 129 (40.3%) in 16th, 419 (28.6%) in 17th and 871 (16.6%) in 18th National Assembly. In terms of party who motioned the bills, bills motioned by National Assembly members were 1,309 (19.7%) while bills motioned by the government were 247(57.1%). Second, the number of school related bills motioned was 809 and the ratio of approval was 17.4%. The number of bills not related to schools motioned was 747 and the ratio of approval was 30.5%. Bills motioned by National Assembly members were 103(14.7%) while bills motioned by the government were 38. Third, the number of schools related bills was 142 and the ratios of approval were in decreasing such as 14th National Assembly 52.2%, 15th 49.1%, 16th 26.7%, 17th 17.7% and 18th 9.2%. In terms of area, school personnel area was 52(36.6%), school structure was 46(32.4%), school management was 33(23.2%) and curriculum was 11 (7.7%). Bills motioned by National Assembly members were 106(74.6%) while bills motioned by the government were 36(25.4%).