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기존의 노자사상 연구물들이 그 동안 ‘가치개입의 문제’를 선명하게 부각시켜서 다루지 않음으로써 노자사상을 이해함에 많은 애매모호함이 있었다. 이 문제점을 해결하기 위하여, 이 논문은 노자사상에서 핵심개념인 도道의 개념에 대한 ‘유소감劉笑敢의 추상적인 본체중심론과 원보신袁保新의 현실적인 가치중심론을 대표로 삼아 비교하여 비판하면서, ‘가치개입의 문제’가 노자사상의 연구에서 매우 중요한 포인트임을 주장하였고, 서양사상과 동양사상의 뿌리에는 ‘가치개입의 문제’에 뚫린 문제점이 깊이 자리잡고 있음을 강조하여 ‘가치개입의 문제’를 정면으로 다루어야 할 필요성을 선명하게 부각시켰다. 이러한 문제의식으로 노자사상에서 ‘가치개입의 문제’에 뚫린 문제점을 드러내어 보여주고, 이를 극복하기 위하여 天地之道·聖人之道·治世之道라는 개념으로 노자사상을 ‘새롭게 접근하려는 터전’을 닦았다.

The existing studied papers had not discussed ‘Issues in judgement of virtue&vice’ distinctly in Laoz's thought as yet, so Laoz's thought had been unclear and ambiguous. To overcome this problem, I compare and criticize between Liu xiao gan's metaphysical Ontology and Yuan bao xin's realistic Social theory in the existing studied streams, insist that ‘Issues in judgement of virtue&vice’ in Laoz's thought is very important point in study of Laoz's thought, emphasize that the Root of Western thought and Eastern thought had a latent disease at ‘Issues in judgement of virtue&vice’. Establishing this critical mind, I disclose a latent disease at ‘Issues in judgement of virtue&vice’ in Laoz's thought, lay the groundwork for approaching new interpretation of Laoz's thought with the three new viewpoints naming ‘Tao of Nature(天地之道)·the Tao of Saint(聖人之道)·the Tao of Government(治世之道)’ Basing this groundwork, at my next study papers, I discuss concretely and minutely with the three new viewpoints, insist concretely and minutely in my approaching. Proceeding these my interpretations and assertions, at just next papers, to discuss easily the three new viewpoints naming ‘Tao of Nature(天地之道)·the Tao of Saint(聖人之道)·the Tao of Government(治世之道), I devise an idea which draw two figures showing Tao of Nature(天地之道) and the Tao of Saint(聖人之道) & the Tao of Government(治世之道) ; <figure Tao of Nature> and <figure the Tao of Saint & the Tao of Government>. Step by step, new interpretation for Laoz's thought by <figure Tao of Nature> and new interpretation for Laoz's thought by <figure the Tao of Saint & the Tao of Government> will be unfold at my following next papers.

The existing studied papers had not discussed ‘Issues in judgement of virtue&vice’ distinctly in Laoz's thought as yet, so Laoz's thought had been unclear and ambiguous. To overcome this problem, I compare and criticize between Liu xiao gan's metaphysical Ontology and Yuan bao xin's realistic Social theory in the existing studied streams, insist that ‘Issues in judgement of virtue&vice’ in Laoz's thought is very important point in study of Laoz's thought, emphasize that the Root of Western thought and Eastern thought had a latent disease at ‘Issues in judgement of virtue&vice’. Establishing this critical mind, I disclose a latent disease at ‘Issues in judgement of virtue&vice’ in Laoz's thought, lay the groundwork for approaching new interpretation of Laoz's thought with the three new viewpoints naming ‘Tao of Nature(天地之道)·the Tao of Saint(聖人之道)·the Tao of Government(治世之道)’ Basing this groundwork, at my next study papers, I discuss concretely and minutely with the three new viewpoints, insist concretely and minutely in my approaching. Proceeding these my interpretations and assertions, at just next papers, to discuss easily the three new viewpoints naming ‘Tao of Nature(天地之道)·the Tao of Saint(聖人之道)·the Tao of Government(治世之道), I devise an idea which draw two figures showing Tao of Nature(天地之道) and the Tao of Saint(聖人之道) & the Tao of Government(治世之道) ; <figure Tao of Nature> and <figure the Tao of Saint & the Tao of Government>. Step by step, new interpretation for Laoz's thought by <figure Tao of Nature> and new interpretation for Laoz's thought by <figure the Tao of Saint & the Tao of Government> will be unfold at my following next papers.