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마치 현상학과는 무관하게 혹은 현상학의 반대진영인 마부르그 신칸트철학의 연장선상에서 이해되어온 카시러의 철학은 사실 후설의 『논리연구』가 열어놓은 ‘주어진 현 사태 자체로!(Zu den Sachen selbst)’라는 현상학적 방법의 지평에서 이해될 수 있다. 이렇게 현상학자로 포착된 카시러는 후설, 하이데거와는 다른 현상학을 전개하여 순수의식의 직관이나 현존재의 실존 등등 ’반쪽의‘ 현상학이 아닌 우리에게 주어진 모든 가능한 현상을 총체적 상징체계로 아우르는 문화의 현상학을 수립한다. 물론 카시러의 문화의 현상학은 후설, 하이데거와 마찬가지로, 혹은 그들보다 더 철저하게 과학을 비롯한 모든 독단론을 그 근간에서부터 되짚어보는 작업을 수행한다. 바로 이런 의미에서 카시러철학은 현상학인 동시에 선험, 초월철학이고 또한 비판철학인 것이다. 본 논고의 제 2절에서는 문화의 비판철학으로서 카시러철학을 적용하여 ‘파시즘’이라는 현상을 ‘경제’, ‘신화’, ‘언어’, ‘기술’, ‘과학’ 등 여러 상징체계들의 관계망 속에서 문화병리현상으로 진단하고 그에 대한 상징 철학적 처방을 내려보고자 하며, 상징 철학적 문화현상학은 문화병리현상에 대한 처방으로 결국 민주자유주의를 암묵적으로 제시하고 있다고 결론짓고자 한다.

This paper ignites its arguments from the now widespread neglect, or at worst misunderstanding, of the philosophy of Ernst Cassirer. Regardless of the pejorative misconceptions on Cassirer’s philosophy, whether seen as a stubborn remnant of antiquated neo-Kantianism or a colossal jumble of fields of knowledge, we can in fact set up one thoroughgoing axis of interpretation for Cassirer’s entire philosophical enterprise: phenomenology. The idea of phenomenology as it was inaugurated for the first time in Husserl’s Logische Untersuchungen, i.e. phenomenology as the first and immediate Gegenstandstheorie, is taken up by Cassirer in his step-by-step analysis of mathematics and science, history, and reality as a whole. Contrary to Husserl’s dogmatic assertion of the existence of intuitively pre-given essences, Cassirer’s phenomenological analysis discovers a variety of purely relational and functional principles dynamically networking all parts of the phenomenon (language, myth, science, etc.) into reality as a whole. Reality, as Cassirer’s phenomenology has discovered it, is nothing but the entirety of symbolic systems functionally interconnected with each other. Reality turns out to be the product of the transcendental activity of humanity. In the second part of the paper we apply Cassirer’s phenomenology of culture (reality) to a philosophical diagnosis of historical Nazism in Germany. This is not supposed to be a critique in the historical, sociological, political or personal (such as on Hitler) realm, but rather a transcendental-critical analysis of the phenomenon of Nazism. Nazism, according to Cassirer’s diagnosis, turns out to be a state of symbolic malfunction in which the symbolic form “Myth,” empowered by “Technology,” encroaches upon all other symbolic forms, such as “Language,” “Science,” “Economics,” etc. An antidote for Nazism would be democratic liberalism, in which all symbolic forms recover their own appropriate functions and literally prosper in a joint togetherness with other symbolic forms without dominating them. Cassirer’s phenomenology of culture not only serves as a powerful diagnosis and prognosis of human culture in general, but also implies the primacy of the politics of democratic liberalism for humanity.