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본 연구는 먼저 최근 기업들에 의하여 수행되고 있는 사회적 책임을 위한 활동, 즉 CSR의 의의와 활동에 관련하여 한국 및 해외(중국)에 진출한 기업들의 구체적인 활동의 내용들을 살펴보았으며 이어서는 기업이 사회에 대하여 ‘마땅히 하여야' 할 일, 곧 책임을 나타내는 용어인 CSR의 진정한 의미를 감안할 때 교회에서의 사회봉사활동은 기업에서의 수준에 머무르며 ‘이 정도이면 될 것이다(would)'가 아니라 ‘마땅히 감당을 하고 더욱 잘 수행해야 내어야만 하는' 의무 내지 당위성(should)을 갖고 있다고 보면서 그동안 한국의 교회들에 의하여 수행하여 온 '사회적 책임활동'의 내용들을 살펴보았다. 마지막으로는 “세상의 소금과 빛"(마태복음 5:13)된 사명은 물론 나아가 ’우리의 몸처럼 우리의 이웃(세상)을 사랑하라'(마태복음 19:19)는 명령까지도 감당해 낼 수 있는 바람직한 방향 내지 대안들을 모색하였다.

CSR is the mirror of Corporate to show the compassion for the consumers and users of their goods or services. In spite of the true meaning of CSR, most of the people in the world do seldom think or thank to Corporate. They think that it is an another way or sophisticated skill to increase the selling their goods and services in the future. In another words, they think that there is no authenticity in their activities of the CSR(Corporate Social Responsibility). A few korean corporate in Korea and in China have been doing CSR activities for the people who are working, purchasing, using or living together around them. For examples, they are building schools, hospitals & parks(garden), recycling facilities, job recruiting for the benefits of employees, effecting insurances with pleasure where their factories or plants including donations for the disaster or flood they have encountered. Of course, they are welcomed and honored by the people(in this study, the neighbor) with deeply thanks from the concerned parties like employees. consumers and users in the time of entering or establishing. The Korean church and christians have affected and contributed to their home country, Korea, specially in the field of medical facilities, education and culture from the year of 1885 which was the first stepping of Missionary Appenzeller into Korean peninsular until this time. But nowadays, some people have felt very sorry for growing larger in members(christians) with huge building and facilities, especially to the some largest church in mega-cities of Korea. The main contribution of this article is to study the activities of social responsibilities of the church in Korea and to find the alternatives to manage or solve the problem of the CSR at present performed by some corporate in Korea. Of course, a lot and various activities or performances of the Korean Church which have implemented for the society and for the world(namely, outside of Korea) is another way to solve problems and to practice the mission of the Words of Jesus Christ, ‘You are the Salt and Light of the World’(Matthew 5:13-14) and ‘Love your neighbor as much as you love yourself’(Matthew 19:19) as ‘a good samaritan’ did. This study emphasize on the importance of Korean Church(Christian) must execute and expand the region to every city and to every country including Judea and Samaria and the end of the world with the mind of authenticity(another word or biblical version is “with the mind of Jesus Christ”) and above all, in the name of Jesus Christ in this age of globalization.