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전통적 관점에서는 읽기를 기초 기능으로 인식해 왔지만, 이러한 틀로 볼 때 읽기의 실천성이 확보되지 못하고 읽기의 전(全) 과정을 포괄하지 못하는 문제가 있었다. 이에 본고에서는 읽기의 과정적 측면, 독자의 능동적 측면, 의미 구성의 측면을 살피고 읽기를 활동이라는 개념틀로 재인식할 것을 주장하였다. 또 활동 중심 읽기 교육이란, 읽기 활동을 활동으로 구현해내는 것을 의미하며, 읽기 과정을 활동의 과정으로 구현하고, 독자를 언어 활동 주체로서 교육하며, 실천적인 의미 구성을 지향점으로 삼아야 한다고 주장하였다. 활동 중심 읽기 교육은 읽기 교육의 지식, 기능, 전략을 포괄하는 방안을 제공했다는 의의가 있다. 읽기의 지식, 기능, 전략은 학습자가 직접 수행해 봄으로써만 습득되는데, 활동은 이와 같은 수행을 확보해 주기 때문에, 이들의 발달을 가능하게 한다. 또, 읽기 활동은 교육과정 차원에서 ‘실제’ 영역의 교육 내용을 활성화시키는 접근이 될 수 있다.

The reading ability is developed through reading activities which guide to reading practices. The activity-based reading education has strengths in the next four aspects. First, it can incorporate reading knowledge, skills, and strategies. Second, it can overcome the discreteness of skill-based reading by having learners carry out integrated reading. Third, it can overcome the de-context of skill-based reading. Fourth, it can provide learners with experiencing processes. The desirable orientation of the activity-based reading education is discussed in relation with reading in reality. Traditionally, reading has been recognized as a basic skill. Yet, this understanding of reading fails to incorporate the whole process of reading processes. In contrast, this study suggests that reading should be recognized in the perspective of its process, the active role of readers, and meaning construction. The reading education thus should be able to realize activity-based reading process, to develop readers as active agents of language behavior, and to strive to construct meanings.

The reading ability is developed through reading activities which guide to reading practices. The activity-based reading education has strengths in the next four aspects. First, it can incorporate reading knowledge, skills, and strategies. Second, it can overcome the discreteness of skill-based reading by having learners carry out integrated reading. Third, it can overcome the de-context of skill-based reading. Fourth, it can provide learners with experiencing processes. The desirable orientation of the activity-based reading education is discussed in relation with reading in reality. Traditionally, reading has been recognized as a basic skill. Yet, this understanding of reading fails to incorporate the whole process of reading processes. In contrast, this study suggests that reading should be recognized in the perspective of its process, the active role of readers, and meaning construction. The reading education thus should be able to realize activity-based reading process, to develop readers as active agents of language behavior, and to strive to construct meanings.