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현행 논술 시험에서는 쓰기 못지않게 읽기가 중요한 요소이다. 특히 주어진 문제와 제시문을 비판적으로 읽고 이해하는 과정은 매우 중요하다. 그런데, 논술 교육과 관련해서는 비판적 사고의 의미를 제한하고 비판적 읽기의 방법을 좀더 단순화할 필요가 있다. 이 글은 논술 교육에 적합한 비판적 읽기가 무엇인지를 보여주는 데 그 목적이 있다. 이를 위해 비판적 사고의 요소를 툴민 모형으로 환원하여 논술 교육에 좀더 효과적인 비판적 읽기의 방법을 적절한 예시를 통해 제시한다.

Reading is as important as writing in current examination of essay writing(argumentative writing). Above all it is very important to read and understand given questions and texts critically. By the way the meaning of 'critical thinking' should be more restricted and the manner of 'critical thinking' should be more simple than now in relation to the education of essay writing. It is more adequate that 9 elements of 'critical thinking' are reduced to the Toulmin's model of argumentation. This article suggests this point by a concrete illustration.

Reading is as important as writing in current examination of essay writing(argumentative writing). Above all it is very important to read and understand given questions and texts critically. By the way the meaning of 'critical thinking' should be more restricted and the manner of 'critical thinking' should be more simple than now in relation to the education of essay writing. It is more adequate that 9 elements of 'critical thinking' are reduced to the Toulmin's model of argumentation. This article suggests this point by a concrete illustration.