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이 논문에서는 순조대 발생한 盧尙樞家와 朴春魯家의 소송을 통하여 조선후기 山訟의 성격과 절차상의 특성을 검토하였다. 노상추가와 박춘로가의 산송은 향촌의 소송이 滯訟되면서 상언·격쟁으로 확대되어 총 9차례의 상언·격쟁이 시도되었던 사건이다. 滯訟 및 非理健訟을 특징으로 하는 산송의 성격을 잘 보여주는 사례이다. 소송 과정에서 주목되는 점은 노상추가에서 소송 해결을 위하여 상언·격쟁을 시도하지만 오히려 그 때문에 反訟되는 역상황에 처한 점이다. 그 배경에는 廣占의 혐의, 소송관들이 박춘로와 같은 당색이라는 점, 그리고 상언·격쟁이 지방관의 반감을 초래하여 비리건송으로 몰린 측면이 지적될 수 있다. 지방관의 반감은 19세기 상언·격쟁의 처리 방식에서 연유하였다. 19세기 상언·격쟁은 한성부와 형조에서 직접 査官을 파견하여 조사를 진행하는 것이 아니라, 향촌 지방관에 의존하는 경향이 강하였다. 이는 정소인이 상언·격쟁을 하더라도 실질적인 조사는 다시 향촌으로 돌아가 관찰사 및 수령의 손에서 이루어졌음을 의미한다. 그 과정에서 지방관의 반감을 초래할 가능성을 감수해야 했고 노상추 또한 이에 해당하였던 것으로 보인다. 이와 함께 상언·격쟁은 남발의 폐단을 방지하기 위한 장치들이 마련되어 있었는데 본 사례를 통하여 이들이 적용 실현되는 구체적인 상황을 파악할 수 있다. 그 중에는 절차상의 원칙을 어겨 勿施되는 경우들이 주목되는데, 박춘로는 정해진 장소를 어겨서 격쟁이 받아들여지지 않았고, 노상추가의 상언 또한 限內現身 원칙을 어겨 수포로 돌아가는 시행착오를 겪어야 했다. 또한 관직자였던 노상추의 격쟁이 의금부에서 접수될 때 퍼포먼스 형태의 散杖이 적용된 점 또한 주목되는 절차이다.

In this article, the lawsuit that continued between No Sang Chu/盧尙樞 and Park Chun Roh/朴春魯 during the reign of King Sunjo is examined, and so are the nature and process-wise characteristics of the Mountain lawsuits(Sangsong/山訟), which were lawsuits that dealt with mountains where a house's ancestors were buried. The process (in local areas) of this lawsuit was a dragged one, and such delay before resolution prompted both sides to resort to Sangeon & Gyeokjaeng('submitting an appeal') practices. Total of 9 appeals were launched, revealing the typical aspects of mountain lawsuits, such as lawsuit backlogs('滯訟') and unjustified resorting to('fondness of') legal battles('非理好訟'). What should particularly be noted regarding this lawsuit process is the fact that, although No Sang Chu attempted to launch appeals in order to win the legal fight, he actually faced a lawsuit launched against him and then found himself in a plight because he finally lost. This happened mostly because the appealing process of the time relied upon the management of the local officials. When the suitor launched an appeal, the case would be relayed to local areas and to the Gwanchal-sa and Suryeong prefects and magistrates who would conduct substantial surveys. And in that process, there was a danger of the suitor facing a hostile response from those managers, and being accused of '(frequently) resorting to lawsuits out of unjustified fondness of them'. No Sang Chu's case was one of them.

In this article, the lawsuit that continued between No Sang Chu/盧尙樞 and Park Chun Roh/朴春魯 during the reign of King Sunjo is examined, and so are the nature and process-wise characteristics of the Mountain lawsuits(Sangsong/山訟), which were lawsuits that dealt with mountains where a house's ancestors were buried. The process (in local areas) of this lawsuit was a dragged one, and such delay before resolution prompted both sides to resort to Sangeon & Gyeokjaeng('submitting an appeal') practices. Total of 9 appeals were launched, revealing the typical aspects of mountain lawsuits, such as lawsuit backlogs('滯訟') and unjustified resorting to('fondness of') legal battles('非理好訟'). What should particularly be noted regarding this lawsuit process is the fact that, although No Sang Chu attempted to launch appeals in order to win the legal fight, he actually faced a lawsuit launched against him and then found himself in a plight because he finally lost. This happened mostly because the appealing process of the time relied upon the management of the local officials. When the suitor launched an appeal, the case would be relayed to local areas and to the Gwanchal-sa and Suryeong prefects and magistrates who would conduct substantial surveys. And in that process, there was a danger of the suitor facing a hostile response from those managers, and being accused of '(frequently) resorting to lawsuits out of unjustified fondness of them'. No Sang Chu's case was one of them.